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Data de início: 02-09-2019

Data de fim: 01-06-2020

Vagas: 1

Duração: 9 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 15-05-2019

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The hosting organization is an association actually gathering about 30 retreated members coming from various disciplines whose main mission is to put their ability and experience to help youth, business concerns, associations or institutions with social objective and so to offer their precious advice.

Our action allows to give people, or private undertakers as well as public, in Belgium and abroad, an assistance or advice in administration, commercial and industrial fields. They provide a team of experienced and volunteer consultants.

The organization is composed of a team of 6 members in charge of the EVS. This is a coordinated program with welcoming and sending young people abroad. The objectives of this program is to give them self confidence, contact with reality of life, after school processing and a better knowledge of languages. All this aims at giving them capacity of leading their own life, professional and family in future.
We are ready to collaborate with any other foreign organisation active in the EVS . Our members execute their mission entirely gratuitous.

Perfil: - If possible basic knowledge of French
- The interest of (the) volunteer for a social purpose mission, centered on the elderly.
This profile is assessed jointly by the coordinating and host Org -based on the application file and on a telephone interview with the candidates (coordinating Org in charge).
- age: 18-30

Tarefas: Objectives:
The Elderly people is loosing his autonomy in performing activities of daily life, that is to say, to wash, dress, move, eat ... These losses of autonomy are compensated by a multidisciplinary team comprising nurses, aid caregiver, physiotherapists, speech therapist, animators, ....
This multidisciplinary team supports the Elderly. Thus, the volunteer will be included in a professional team and will be especially affected in principle to animation tasks.
However, the orientation of activities will be determined according to his abilities on proposal of the tutor
The integration of European volunteers in this team focuses primarily on:

- To meet the demand of young European volunteers willing to commit to serving others and in particular the elderly,
- To develop an intergenerational project and through animation activities and daily contacts,
- At some times, to accompany residents (elderly) in the performance of activities of daily life.
- To live a human experience through an institution that integrate social, psychological and medical care of seniors
- They can make their own contribution to the project particularly in the field of animation
- To share their experience with staff and local volunteers and thus provide a "more" in the Foyer.
This allows more time for each resident and thus create a climate of "security" and serenity for residents.
In any case, the participation of these volunteers is not a substitute for local employment.
In no case, they will perform activities assigned to nurses.

The volunteer tasks are mainly focused on the "relational" through:
- Animation activities (representing 70% of the time) such as: games, singing, painting on silk …
- Support of the elderly for meals, walks, ... (about 20% of the time)

Volunteers will eventually develop initiatives based on their personal experience as long as these initiatives are matching the goals set by the teaching team. Their presence will help diversify and to find new approaches, based on another culture. This will be beneficial for the local staff, for the residents and the volunteers themselves.
A typical day is running between 1000 and 1800 Hr with working hours of up to 6 Hr per day, 5 days a week. Two days of rest are foreseen each week.

TWO weeks of leave per semester is expected.
Daily contact with the tutor is possible; a weekly coordination is taking place within the animation team and an evaluation meeting is held every month.
Volunteers participate in debriefing sessions and in the preparation’s programs for animation.
Volunteers are accomodated outside the Foyer, in rooms located in a building housing student nurses. There they will be in regular contact with youth coming from Belgium, France, and from various other countries as well as within the home, they can meet other volunteers from foreign countries.

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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