Data de início: 15-12-2016
Data de fim: 15-12-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 05-12-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Youth Association is in located in the North-western part of Turkey. The European part is called as Gallipoli peninsula and famous because of World War First Monuments and Anzac Day Ceremonies. The Asian part is much bigger than European part and famous with Troia, Assos and natural beauty Ayazma. The two parts are separated by the Dardanelles strait, connecting the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. About the climate, Çanakkale is characterised by hot and dry summers and really cold and rainy winters with an always efficient wind. If you are not prepared, you can easily get cold from the wind. The city is not so big, that makes life here very comfort and easy. You can easy reach any place in the centre just by walk or use a public transportation.
Perfil: We would like to give chance to everybody to apply and to take part in our team. Our general criteria is to :
* be between age of 18 to 30
* have a basic knowledge about communication in English
* be able to work with computer and computer programs
* be interested in youth politics, art & culture and youth information
* be openminded, self-reliant and responsible
* be ready to work with disadvantaged groups
* be ready to travel and participate in outdoor activities
* be motivated to work with children and young people
The most important criteria are to have a motivation to do EVS and to be able to have fun while working.
Volunteers will be chosen by the board members of association and people who will be in charge in the project. We are going to organize skype interviews with the potential candidates and according to it we are going to form our final decision. After we choose the volunteers we will share the results on our social network.
Tarefas: During the five week days, The volunteers will work in the office. Together with our team they will take part in the preparation and monitoring of the courses. They will work as a facilitators and help to the trainer in the preparation and implementing process and in the same time will have a chance to join as a participants.
They will have duties to help in the arrangement of the working places, taking notes of attendance. This will be a good chance for their personal development because they will learn how to work in team, to take responsibility and in the same time develop their management skills. In order to promote the Career office activities and in the same time the Erasmus plus program, the volunteers will participate in organizing informative meetings in the high schools between the youngsters. On that meetings, the volunteers will have chance to share their experiences, their culture, promote the EVS and in the same time gain presentation skills.
Volunteers will help in preparation of human rights workshops, youth politics and youth rights workshops in different time periods. They will help to facilitate preparing training materials, participant’s profiles, in preparation, implementation and evaluation phase. Therefore, volunteers will improve themselves in those areas; cultural expression, digital competences, entrepreneurship, interpersonal, inter cultural and social competences. The volunteers are going to prepare and facilitate language workshop and English speaking clubs. Volunteers will have a chance to communicate in foreign languages and also their mother tongue in these activities. Therefore, they will have chance to teach their mother language to the Turkish local people and in the same time share their culture and their customs. We work with youth organizations in local and national for improving youth work and arranging meetings, seminars and training courses. Volunteers especially will take a role on it to gain friends from different organizations. The volunteers will have an opportunity to work also with some other youth organizations.
If there is a national/international project, our association already involved in volunteers will help to the staff through whole project cycle. Also they will have chance to gain experience and knowledge about project writing, project management and coordination of the project. The volunteer will have at least 4 hours Turkish lessons per week and will have the opportunity to take part in many social and cultural events organized by Çanakkale Koza Youth Association or that they are invited to. A professional teacher or a young person who can speak English fluently will give Turkish lessons. So volunteers will have a chance to communicate in another language. Therefore, volunteers will gain experience about good teamwork and both nonformal and informal learning opportunities. Volunteers will improve all eight learning competences but the most importantly they will have the chance to have experience on learning to learn.
The volunteers will work 5-7 hours/day, 5 days/week. They will have the weekends free and extra 2 days holiday after working 30 days.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV (in english) + Motivation Letter