Data de início: 01-01-2017
Data de fim: 01-12-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-12-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The volunteer will be given a unique chance to experience all sides of Let's Do It! World. The volunteer will work in the Public Relations & Marketing team. The aim of this team is to inspire the international network and the global society to clean up their countries from illegal waste in just one day. The other aim is to sup-port the network (our teams in different countries) with PR and marketing, promotion materials, know-how, events and campaigns. We’re looking for a person legally resident in France, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland or Portugal to volunteer in our team for 11 months, to start from January 2017! The project is already approved!
Perfil: The volunteers are expected to be open minded and interested to work for Let's Do It! World. The main criterion is the motivation of doing EVS and Public Relations and the civic society.
We will surely prefer you if you are...
• interested in journalism, communication and marketing,
• are willing to learn and grow,
• are a person who likes to take initiative when possible,
• love to work in a team but can manage focusing on a specific task on your own as well,
• interested in contributing to the civic society in your home country and are eager to take the ide-as and experience back home after your EVS service is over.
A good level of English is needed for working in the project in order to communicate with the team, our international network and manage in everyday environment. Knowledge of another foreign lan-guage is an advantage.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Following tasks are initial and will be developed in consultation with the volunteer. The volunteer’s initiative for other activities will be supported if possible. All tasks are connected to Public Relations and Communication. The volunteer will have Let’s Do It! World professionals supporting him/her at all times.
• Participating in planning meetings (core team level) – weekly.
• Participating in volunteers meetings (local volunteers) – twice a month.
• Blogging about Let's Do It! World.
• Being a part of the Weekly Newsletter and Monthly Newsletter team. Writing short stories for the Weekly and Monthly Newsletter together with the team of other volunteers and the Newsletter project manager. Helping to develop the content and improving the designs together with the team leaders and voluntary designers team.
• Helping to map and improve the media lists of her own country and geographical region, writing stories and news for the media in her/his country to raise awareness about the movement, cover the illegal trash problems (together with Head of Public Relations).
• Helping to create new promotion materials to support the promotion work together with the team leaders and the voluntary team of designers.
• Helping to organise motivational events for the Let's Do It! World volunteers located in Estonia. Let's Do It! World has about 200 volunteers to whom the organisation offers smaller and bigger events to stay up to date, find new motivation, connect as a team. The volunteer will help to or-ganise such meetings and events and will have the chance to come up with new ideas of how to keep the volunteers motivated. The volunteer will always be supported by the team leader. The volunteer has the chance to communicate with other local volunteers, initiate new activities and learn from them.
• Helping to improve and develop Let's Do It! World's social media (monitoring, updating, com-municating).
• Assisting the team leader with media relations & media events.
• Helping out the team leader with organising of campaigns.
• Promoting EVS and Let's Do It! during events.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV (in English) + Motivation Letter