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Data de início: 01-01-2017

Data de fim: 01-10-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 9 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 13-12-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The Association runs a hosting house community for mental disabled adults with social-rieducational-rehabilitating purposes and manage a group of people living together in an apartment to experience the daily life and gain indipendence.
Professional operators and national volunteers work in the community in order to help the guests in the rehabilitation by using strategies for social interaction.The aim is to make the guests achieve indipendence in daily life and to support the guests families.

Mainly the aims of the association’s activities are:
- self personal care,
- cooking meals,
- recreational and outdoor activities, including holidays in foreign countries and tourism in general.
These activities provide the improvement of specific skills like :
using money, telephone, public transport, playing drama, music-therapy, equestrian re-education, shopping, work laboratories, gardening.
The host organization has been hosting volunteers since 1998.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: • Activities connected with the development of the individual autonomy ( the aim of all the centers’ activities is to improve and develop the autonomy of our hosts, with regard to the autonomy in using the transports, in the domestic activities, in using money, in the interpersonal relations, in the auto-determination in general) ;

• Activities linked to the personal care of the hosts (tooth brushing after the meal, having a shower after the sport activities, etc.) ;

• Activities connected to stimulation of physical capacities (hippo therapy, swimming, psychomotor activities, manual laboratories: felt, art, mosaic, woodwork) and linguistic capacities (through the use of laboratories: orthographic laboratory to develop the linguistics skills and laboratory of foreign languages to further and improve the knowledge and the integration with other cultures) ;

• Activities connected with the “eye-watching” during the hosts’ breaks (promoting recreational activities and personal relationships throughout the daily breaks) ;

• Activities related to the house setting and with the planning of the daily timetable (volunteers will be involved in the staff meetings for the planning of the week activities and in the organization of the common space to be used with the hosts) ;

• Activities connected with the social activities run inside and outside the center (participating in the public meetings during exhibitions; participating in stage shows, going out for movies or music concerts, trips to touristic places, etc.);

• Activity connected with theatre and cultural laboratories (after an educative and formative path, in the occasion of specific holidays the association organizes theatre and music shows in which it is welcome the active participation of the volunteers).
When having group activities, the 2 volunteers plan their tasks with the staff of the project.
Each volunteer takes over different tasks and comply them with the overall supervision of the operators.
Some activities can be done by both volunteers, when an extra support is needed and/or when all the hosts are together and only one working group is run.

Moreover we are open to the promotion of new activities and new projects connected to the volunteer’s personal experience

In the framework of the evs project "Volunteering as a chance for growing", volunteers hosted, will be encouraged to promote and to implement new volunteering activities.
The host organization as well will create new volunteering opportunities for evs volunteer.

The host organization as well will create new volunteering opportunities for EVS volunteers.

Working Hours: Volunteers will do their EVS project for a maximum of 35 hours for 5 days per week.

Days off: They will have 2 days off every week and 2 days off per month.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV (in encglish) + Motivation Letter + Application Form

Download: 2- AFSAI EVS Application Form and motivation letter.doc

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