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Data de início: 15-11-2016

Data de fim: 15-12-2016

Vagas: 1

Duração: 1 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-10-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 65 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Municipality Center mission is encouragement and development of contemporary artistic expression as well as management of projects that will promote modern art. The center has as its main objectives the development, preservation and promotion of spiritual values, education, science and culture; support the development and protection of human rights and civil society; personal development and social integration; development and enrichment of cultural life.

Ever since its establishment in 2005 the organization's main focus is on promoting the work of Bulgarian and foreign artists and on activities that will develop the contemporary audiovisual culture.

Perfil:  Interested in culture and arts;
 Easy adaptable;
 Social;
 Positive;
 Tolerant;
 Helpful;
 Teamwork;
 Active and initiative;
 Planning and organizing;
 Responsible;
 Ability to work under pressure;
 Ability to work under deadlines.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: Volunteers are involved in the implementation of tasks related to the promotion of events, utilization of the environment and familiarization with the atmosphere and locations of the events, and also tasks developing creative activity in the fields of journalism, design, photography, etc. Activities:

1. Phase of preparation the events:
 familiarity with the history, sights and location of the main venues of the events;
 introduction to the events programs and themes;
 creation of promotion strategy and organization of activities promoting the events and
 distribution of promotional posters and other materials of the event;
 administration of communication channel in social networks and video sharing
platforms, dedicated to the events;
 meeting with ordinary representatives of the local community and participants in the
 initiatives - interviews with them regarding the upcoming eventя, filming short reports;
 working with designers on the implementation of decisions related to adaptation and
absorption of the exterior view of the upcoming events;
 preparation of the main locations of the events – cleaning, branding, decorating, etc.;
 administration of the communication channel in the social networks and video sharing platforms, dedicated to the project and the participating volunteers;
 creation of a short film on the participation of volunteers and Erasmus +.

2. Phase of the actual conduct of events:
 implementation of the final promotional wave - distribution of posters and other promotional materials;
 controlling the access to events locations;
 providing detailed information on the events;
 preparation and observance of schedule with arrivals and departures of festival guests;
 welcoming the events guests and participants, and coordination of their accommodation and transport;
 assistance and support of special guests, members of institutions, lecturers, etc.;
 planning and managing media campaigns;
 preparation of press releases, publications, preparation of press materials with facts and statistics about the events;
 practical application of skills in working with video and photo camera.

3. Phase after the actual conduct of events:
 bringing the events locations in their original form;
 support for the departure of the official guests of the events;
 implementation of post-events promotion campaign performance;
 analysis and evaluation.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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