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Data de início: 10-01-2017

Data de fim: 09-03-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 2 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-11-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: This EVS in Poland assumes an animation of free time children and young people and promotion of foreign cultures, human righs education and ideas for volunteering. During the short term EVS we plan to make different workshops and other kind of events for children and youth by using educational and cognitive innovative methods of leisure time (non formal) and organise some happenings and local actions for local community. EVS volunteers themselves will be able to share their passions and learn new social skills especially in schools, daily rooms.

The project aims to raise the awareness of the value and importance of active engagement and active citizenship and as a one of the best instrument to expand or improve competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) for personal, social and professional development.

The main target group of the project are kids and young people with fewer opportunities, thereforethe projects develops the solidarity and tolerance among youth by giving a chance to disadvantaged youth, providing them with
skills and information for getting active and support them with new opportunities for their future. Moreover the projects fosters mutual understanding and tolerance among youth from different cultures and it gives opportunity to learn about ”the unknown” and avoid or combat stereotypes.

Perfil: · Speak communicative English
There can be communication problem if the volunteer doesn’t speak English. However its not the most important issue!:)
· Be enthusiastic and motivated
A short EVS project needs motivated volunteers. Please show us in your application why you want to join the project and our oragnisation. Make nice interactive movie, song, power pont, poem?:)) whatever creatie way can be!!
· Be proactive
We expect the volunteer to work with us to come up with clear goals and expectations and make the most from his/her time in the EVS. That also means personal involvement in improving own EVS program.
· Like the multimedia
Because those positions involves working with videos, photos and graphic design and other publications, it will be helpful if the volunteers like to work on multimedia./to make projects visible on local and international level/
· Like to movingJ
As those project you will meet different kids, youth and people you have to be ready for moving from one place to anotherJ

Tarefas: · Sharing culture in a special cultural diversity educational program for the Polish children in the city and in rural areas
· organising alternative workshops during time of winter holidays /when schools are closed/
· Promoting a volunteer attitude to youth from Leszno and rural areas
· Organizing fund raising campaigns, annual events and competitions especially for kids, but also for other different kind of target groups
· Cooperating with other EVS and local volunteers to create promotional events and dissemination materials
· Evaluating every week the activity
a. writing the special form
b. debating with the all CAT. team
· Making CAT magazine with activities
· Making movie about Leszno

Condições: 1

Documentação: Send us CV, Motivation letter /or video, song whatever creative thing you want to present us:) + REGISTER HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejjEAih6qDbtwjfRVVZ2q-1ISXBIZHEklcjOJCuHLukE19rg/viewform

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