Data de início: 08-01-2018
Data de fim: 08-07-2018
Vagas: 1
Duração: 6 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 21-09-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: This village is embedded in a setting dominated by a various shades of green: that of grasslands, crops, groves and woods that surround it. This is accentuated by greenery small islands formed by the many gardens. Surrounded by a park of 11 hectares, , beautiful square built of limestone partially dating from the second half of the sixteenth century overlooks the village. Formerly devoted to agricultural activities, it has been, over the last thirty years, a centre for meetings and accommodation. Property of the who restore and maintain for over thirty years, ” quickly became a meeting place and accommodation appreciated by a wide public comprising as well youth groups, schools as associations offering training or recreational activities to young or adult people. For several years, families and associations from the socio-cultural field as well as companies chose to come spend time at the Domaine, attracted by the quality of its welcome and the philosophy behind his project. The values of solidarity, respect, citizen involvement, present at the creation of the Domaine, as well as the quality of its environment have orientated its project. The project, enriched over the years, focuses on activities to raise awareness about the nature and promotes an approach to respect and participation in active and responsible “ecocivic” values. The Domaine offers to live daily the environmental citizenship; how best to practice sustainable development and to make it concrete. The infrastructure of the Domaine offers many opportunities in terms of accommodation, catering, as well as in nature activities. Several rooms of various capacities permit meetings, conferences, seminars and various events.
Perfil: Age:17-30
Tarefas: The first week will be devoted to discovering a village and the surrounding area. This city will be in charge of this first week. This will be done in a goal of passing on of intergenerational and intercultural discovery. The volunteer will have a contact point and a contact with a lot of people, in charge for the courses, entertainment, financial and administrative aspects. In the Domaine of Mozet, the manager will be the tutor or the reference person for the work itself and the monitoring of volunteerism in everyday life.
A leave of two weeks per semester is planned. The project is recognised by regional authorities. -- Centre for Social tourism approve -- Centre Meetings & Hosting recognized by the French Community --
for the facilitator and coordinator and operating subsidies -- Approval of the Division Nature and Forest and the Walloon Region for training and awareness nature (valid until November 2009). The resolutely is committed as an actor in its region. Its involvement as a partner in various associations and federations demonstrates its willingness to contribute to the promotion of heritage in the region. The dimensions "environment" or "natural heritage" include actions relating to the village, and in which it wishes to get involved: 'Conduct information, education and awareness actions "To promote the discovery of nature and heritage. "Promoting renewable energy" The Domaine de Mozet distributes and implements the principles of sustainable development. At the level of the environmental mainstay, the guidelines of the proposed activities and the ecocivic chart provided to each host commit the Domaine in the right track of Education Relating to the Environment. The "Nature and Heritage" activities that take place within the Domaine affecting young and old people from all background, and proposing to raise awareness, initiate, train and educate for the sake of sustainable development. Their goals: to go and to meet the nature through the five senses; to generat another look; to arouse wonder; to raise awareness of the richness of the natural environment that surrounds us.
Horário: A typical day runs from 10am to 5pm, or 6 hours per day, on average, 5 days per week.
Documentação: Cv + Motivation Letter