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Data de início: 17-01-2017

Data de fim: 31-07-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 7 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 14-09-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Organization is a reception centre for asylum seekers. There are two different types of centres in Belgium: open and closed. In closed centres, there’s no free circulation permitted outside the centre. We are an open centre, which means asylum seekers are free to enter and leave as they wish. They usually stay at the centre during the time the ministry of Foreing Affairs inspects their files and papers.
We try to cooperate with all parties to guarantee the refugee a professional and respectful approach to providing shelter, we offer an appropriate framework and orientation to help them shape their future.
Our organization is the largest open centre of Belgium. The refugees sleep in dorms (if they’ve arrived alone) or in private apartments (if they’ve arrived with their family). Most of them are single men, but there are women, families and even minors without their parents. Their nationality is very divers, coming from all over the world.

Perfil: Age:17-30

Tarefas: - organising activities for adults and minors
- sport activities for adults (mainly soccer, volleybal, table tennis, fitness)
- language training: French, Dutch, English
- other trainings: sewing, dancing, painting
- IT: helping out with starting up computers, helping to find information about the country of origin (newspaper)
- daily life orientation: how to take a bus, how to read a card
- social help: trying to find an appartment, talking to the owners, helping out the refugees with administrative work, visiting ill people
A lot of activities can be organised at the centre, there’s enough choice for every personality with its unique competences. Every project from every EVS volunteer will be welcomed. The activities will be looked at in detail to see what’s possible. Important to bear in mind though is that the proposed projects depend on the preference of the refugees. For example: the volunteer might be interested in organising a workshop about dramatic art, but if none of the refugees is interested, the volunteer should be flexible enough to put emphasis on other aspects.
Below a few examples of activities organised by former EVS volunteers:
- one volunteer chose, prepared and organised cultural activities for the refugees. He helped the refugees to perform a spectacle, a concert, a play…
- one volunteer has helped the refugees with their introduction on the job market: making up a CV, how to present oneself etc.
- one volunteer gave music classes and realised a project for the women at the centre (cooking, knitting). This project was taken up again by the next EVS volunteer the year after.
- A French volunteer has given language courses

Condições: 1

Documentação: cv + Motivation Letter + Application Form

Download: Aplication form 2017.docx

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