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Data de início: 17-01-2017

Data de fim: 31-07-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 7 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 15-09-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: organise the humane, efficient, flexible and high-quality reception of asylum seekers in Belgium. The humane and respectful treatment of asylum seekers has first consideration. The number of asylum applications can vary sharply depending on the international political and economic situation. As an efficient and flexible organisation, Fedasil must be quick at repartee to anticipate and respond to changing reception needs. Finally, the quality of reception must at the very least comply with European standards.

Perfil: Age:17-30

Tarefas: Everything you will do (classes, activities, individual contact with minors) has to be seen in the light of the role of the centre – observing the minors, getting to know them well, to be able to give them a good orientation after one month. Also, it requires being a good educator, since you help them rebuild a daily routine.

Everything the volunteer will do (classes, activities, individual contact with minors) has to be seen in the light of the role of the center – observing the minors, getting to know them well, to be able to give them a good orientation after one month. Also, it requires being a good educator, since you help them rebuild a daily routine.
education: giving language classes every morning (teaching Dutch for beginners (if possible), or teaching illiterate minors the alphabet), extra study help, general social orientation subjects, being an educator in the sense of teaching the minors to keep their room tidy, teaching social skills, learning them to get up / go to bed in time, following the daily routine and the rules of the centre, dealing with conflicts between minors … - by assisting them in daily life, together with the other social assistants.
recreation: sports, creative events, activities for specific target groups (girls e.g.); every afternoon we organise activities for the minors.
‘domestic’ tasks: following up logistics (waking up of the minors, opening/closing of the rooms), helping out with registration and distribution of meals,…
individual assistance: every social worker has a closer contact with a certain number of minors. Every week several hours are spent for individual counselling and for listening to worries of the minors. The volunteer will also be encouraged to seek a closer contact with some of the minors who live here, if possible and/or desired, to share observations with the social workers.

Horário: Average time commitment of 30-35 hours a week
We work in shifts: a morning shift (approx. 8 am to 4 pm) and an afternoon shift (approx. 2 pm to 10 pm).
Weekends: sometimes you can be asked to work during a weekend day.
We expect also some flexibility towards the work hours and the tasks. A normal day can turn into something completely different because of unexpected things.

Condições: 1

Documentação: cv + Motivation letter + Application form

Download: Aplication form 2017.docx

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