Data de início: 17-01-2017
Data de fim: 31-07-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 7 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 17-09-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Education for children between 2,5 and 6 years old (kindergarden) and children between 6-12 years old (primary school) based on pedagogy. our organisation is focused on the personal and social development of children in a well-balanced and free environment. We provide education for children, irrespective of race, descent or philosophical convictions.
Perfil: open minded
patient with children
motivation and determination to learn more
communicative and sociable
Age:17 30
Tarefas: We are looking for a volunteer to be part of our staff in the kindergarten (21/2-6 years) and more specifically in the first class of kindergarten (21/2-3 years old). The volunteer will be actively involved during her/his whole stay. The tasks will all be related to the follow-up and supervision of the children during their school day. The following tasks will certainly have to be performed:
- taking care of the preschoolers getting (un)dressed for the outdoor activities (we do a lot of outdoor activities even under bad weather conditions - in order to be able to do so, we've rain&mud equipement that our smallest children gradually need to learn to put on themselves, this is one of the skills they learn in the first class)
- Recess duty: We have moments of free playing and directed playing, during both moments not only supervision but also observation of the development of the children is an important task of our staff. If interested it could be a possibility for the volunteer to prepare some directed play moments (with coaching of the class teacher)
- Helping to prepare the fruit and soup meals: Healthy food is part of our education, Therefore our day starts with a fruit plate where the fruit is brought by the children and then peeled and shared between the pupils. 3 times a week we also prepare soup with fresh organic vegetables in our kindergarten classes together with the children.
- Preparing and supervising the after lunch nap: We're enthousiastic about the positive impact of a resting/sleeping moment for our kindergartners. Therefore until 6 years old they all have a moment of rest on their mattresses after lunch.
The volunteer could start a personal project under coaching of the class teacher. Eg of a possible project: Prepare and supervise a directed play moment where his/her culture is integrated in order to be able to share and transmit some of this to the pupils. This could be on a regular base (e.g. weekly), in order to create interaction and interest with the children towards this specific intercultural playmoment.
We are also looking for a volunteer to work outside, maintaining the garden, reparing things or little tasks related to the building,...
Finally we can also use a helping hand in preparing coffee/tea, build up and clean up rooms, little back- office tasks.
Horário: The volunteer will work 5 days a week from 8.15 till 15.30. Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon is free. School-holidays are free. Obviously, during the summer holidays the school is closed, but we can possibly offer the volunteer ongoing activities that are linked to the tasks that he or she will have done during the school year at Speelpleinwerking. Speelpleinwerking is a common setting in Flanders, where children can attend holiday activities under the supervision of experienced monitors. Those summer activities include outside group games, art workshops, playground visits, games, …
Condições: 1
Documentação: Cv+ Motivation letter + Aplication form
Download: Aplication form 2017.docx