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Data de início: 07-02-2017

Data de fim: 07-12-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 10 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 15-09-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 65 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The organization is searching for long term volunteers to participate in our project. The voluntary service is located in Bulgaria.
The aim of our project is to develop an alternative youth space for sports, fun, education and free time activities. We have started our idea already and we need young and motivated volunteers to help us make it better and more popular among the youth of the cityof Varna as well as among youth and organizations from the entire world.

Perfil: - Are ready to be part of our team for long term duration
- Practice extreme sports
- Are creative and ready to take initiative
- Like making pictures and video
- Do applied arts
- Have some knowledge in web , graphic , engineer or product design
- Like to work with wood, iron, glass, stone or concrete
- Have a green thumb
- Have good organizational and communication skills
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: - Support the process of designing the space and the equipment
- Take pictures during events
- Film the events and the activities
- Support the online promotion
- Make promotional materials
- Organize artistic activities and workshops
- Support the sports lessons
All of the volunteers will take part in the repairing process and shall spend some time at the reception and welcome the visitors.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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