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Data de início: 01-02-2017

Data de fim: 30-01-2018

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 02-09-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The host organization is situated in Lithuania. It was established in 1991 and today it has around 700 members. This club is a perfect place for every person from 5 to 29 years old. Friendly and professional mentors are always there to help young people to develop their artistic abilities, to participate in new projects (both national and international) as well as to provide space for self-expression. They offer students an opportunity to participate in various activities: dance, music, arts, theatre, foreign languages, etc. The vision of this organization is a modern and effective institution of non-formal education designed for children, youth and families.

This club is proud and happy to have been awarded the Youth Organization of the Year by the municipality in 2012 and to have gathered such a great team of active youth and volunteers. They have not only participated in a number of international projects in Latvia, Sweden, Romania, Italy, Estonia etc., but have also implemented several local projects. In 2012 this organization won the grant for the project called “Volunteering virus”, which aimed at promoting volunteering in Vilnius city. Their latest projects were youth exchanges ,,Live communication healthy
lifestyle'' and ,,Thumbs up for a job!". Therefore, organizing a project itself is not a new thing to their, however hosting international volunteers is quite a new experience.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The club can offer a lot of learning opportunities for the volunteers. The main task of the volunteers could be the work in the Open space for children and youth, where they will be involved in organizing everyday activities and events for children and youth. It can be English classes, teaching their national dances and songs, organizing ,Brain battles or any other activities. Also, depending on participants' interests and capabilities, they will have an opportunity to work as teacher assistants (dance, art, theater, English, etc.), which could be a great opportunity to learn specialty or craft, because they would be working with a professionals.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + motivação letter

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