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Data de início: 01-02-2017

Data de fim: 01-02-2018

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-09-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The service is a part of a non-profit association, created in order to improve the quality of life of people with mental disabilities and their families.

The service aims to encourage the social inclusion of disabled young adults in the local social life by giving them the opportunity to do a useful work for our different partners, according to their skills and knowledge.
The service was born in 2007 and at the beginning, when the center opened, just three young adults with disabilities decided to try the chance. In 2009, they became 13 to believe in the project and to flourish thanks to various activities. Nowadays the service counts more or less 30 young users who are in between 18 and 40 years old.

We currently have around 50 partners (schools, restaurants, youth centers, the cultural center, the city kennel, the horse riding school) that we’re helping on a voluntary basis. The partners respect and interact with the youngsters in order to integrate them in the local social life. The tasks done by our service users are concrete and adapted to the partners as well as to the youngsters.

Our staff is made up of 7 workers working full time or part-time. We are also supported by many local volunteers and we host very often students from the local schools who come at our place for their school traineeship.
Since last year the Service also includes two other services:
-a residential service where some of our beneficiaries live together developing their autonomy and independency;
-a shop where people can go to exchange for free different things or just to have a bio drink. The little bar is completely managed by the Service users with the help of their educators. The aim is to foster their inclusion in the local community through citizen activities supported by Andage.

It is IMPORTANT to know that the town is situated in a semi-rural area and the nightlife here is less vivid than in bigger towns.

Perfil: Our project is open to anybody motivated by volunteering and who wishes to be involved in our organisation and working with people, regardless to their nationality, religion, believing, diploma, professional experience. Because our public doesn’t speak any other language than French, the volunteer is asked to be already able to communicate a bit in our language at the beginning of the service.

We expect the volunteer to have social and communication skills and be open to the difference, ready to build an atmosphere of confidence and security with the youngsters; we expect the volunteer to be ready to involve him/herself in the several tasks we do with them; be able to work together with the staff; be interested in the topic of disabled people inclusion; agree with our philosophy of equality and openness to the difference; willing to listen, communicate and care of young adults with disabilities.

The volunteer will have to provide a certificate of good conduct (CGC) related with the work with disabled people.

Age: 17-30

Tarefas: We expect the volunteer to take an active part into the staff work. S/he will support and accompany the young adults with disabilities during their daily activities. S/he will facilitate their investments in the tasks realization.
For example:
- During the envelopes labelling at the youth center, the volunteer will be with the group, check the work done, suggest some improvement if needed, keep the good atmosphere during the work;

- During the activities in a restaurant which serves local and biological products, the volunteer will support the youngsters in the different tasks required as preparing the food, serving food in the restaurant…
- During the activities in the Gallo-Romanian archaeological site, the volunteer will help the youngsters in tasks as gardening or little reparation tasks;
- During the activities in the second hand shop, founded by the French speakers Union of disabled people, the volunteer will help the youngsters to organize the clothes and put them in order in the shop.
With the support of other workers, the volunteer will play a big role in the maintenance of a good relationship with the different partners, the youngsters and the staff of service .

S/he will:
- Create a social link with the youngsters;
- Share his/her knowledge with the youngsters in order to help them to accomplish their tasks (computer skills, cooking skills…);
- Give the youngsters the opportunity to open themselves at the world around them;
- Raise awareness about volunteering among youngsters and partners;
- Be a resource of new ideas, new points of view about the way of working…;
- Be a support, somebody who listens to the youngsters.

Activities the volunteer could participate in or create:
- To think up and develop a project with the youngsters (try cooking recipes, cultivate chicories in caves…);
- To actively participate in the educational staff meetings;
- To suggest some changes in order to improve, willing to evolve constantly;
- To take initiative;

The volunteer’s activities can be adapted according to his/her skills and wills.
During the first weeks, s/he will meet the different partners and will be introduced to the several tasks dealt by the youngsters. Then, according with the agenda of the staff and his/her preferences and skills, s/he will have the opportunity to choose the activities s/he’s more interested in.
No matter which activities the volunteer will prefer, her/his EVS will always foresee very varied tasks!

Horário: Example of what could be a typical week:
Between 08:30 and 09:00 - meeting at Service office
09:15 - cooking at the local school of St. Julie school (partner)
12:00-13:00 - lunch time
13:00 - Back to Service office
13:20-15:40 - wrapping cutlery at the local hospital
16:00 - end of the day

Between 08:30 and 09:00 - meeting at the office
09:15-12:00 - cleaning stables in the local horses stables place
12:00-13:00 - Lunchtime at the office
13:20-15:40 - several tasks at the youth local center (labeling, painting, cleaning, tidying up…)
16:00 - end of the day

Between 08:30 and 09:00 - meeting at the office
09:15-12:00 - Cooking workshop
12:00-13:00 - Lunchtime at the office
14:30-16:00 - cleaning books and tidy up at the municipal library

Between 08:30 and 09:00 - meeting at the office
09:15-12:00 - gardening
12:00-13:00 - Lunchtime at the office
13:20-15:45 - Cooking and washing-up disches at the restaurant

Between 08:30 and 09:00 - meeting at the office
09:15-12:00 - Tidying up lunch tables and helping in the kitchen of the school of On
12:00-13:00 - Lunchtime at the school
12:00-13:00 - Lunchtime at the office
13:20-15:45 - Gardening at the eco-village

This timetable will be changed in order to integrate the French lessons and the volunteer’s wills.
The volunteer will also have the opportunity to participate in other activities out of the Service but linked with the same target group such as board games evenings, movie nights organized by other organization or in various activities organized by the local youth center, both situated very close from volunteer’s accommodation and Service office.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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