Data de início: 19-08-2016
Data de fim: 24-09-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 1 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 19-08-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is a non-government organization and is involved in activities concerning and promoting culture, history and arts in the level of neighbourhood and local to national, European and international. It has at least 15 years of continious experience in initiatives and projects concerning learning activities and cultural/artistic performances. Theatre, music and performing arts are in the heart of our activity agenda for local youths through maintaning existing groups and continuously establishing new ones. Our work targets, through promoting cultural and social awareness both to youth ages (children, youngsters etc.) and to adults, in raising social cohesion, cultural empowerment, plus environmental and cultural sustainability. That is why, we map our activities based in inclusive models in order to make local youths and younger children to be effectively involved in neighborhood and local level. Our vehicle in this attempt is cultural and artistic tools, because after years of performing them we realize how much efficient are. Our collaboration with a number of organizations, such as the University of Cyprus, local schools, the Anemomi Day Care Centre, and other for many years guarantees the best performance, continuity and high standards resulting of our activities and projects. In a nutshell, through our activities we are trying to cover the needs for every age group (from kids to adults) regardless of their socio-economic, geographical and ethnic background through cultural and social involvement.
The project is about promoting environmental issues, intercultural exchange and active participation in areas where it is needed. Implicating volunteers from countries other than Cyprus will enhance our goals of tolerance, acceptance and awareness of cultural diversity leading to integration and intercultural experiences.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: This project will be separated in 4 phases:
Ø Phase A – On arrival training
Ø Phase B – Working in the fields/community/nature (beach-forest)
Ø Phase C – Promoting the local community – going deeper into the culture.
Ø Phase D – Departure training
You will work for 5 days, and up to 30-35 hours per week. (Some says may be more hours of work some may be less).
You have 2 free days per week, which will vary depending on each week.
Be prepared to:
Ø Work in the fields from early morning hours for about 20 days of the whole experience.
Ø Be ready to have hands on experiences with farmers and hard working people.
Ø work with villagers and learn from them
Ø produce local products out of fruit
Ø support villagers in various work occasions
Ø enjoy nature and the local environment (sea, forest)
Ø have a group spirit and tolerance, contribute to group activities, living and sharing together for a month
Ø be committed to the tasks and the program
Ø respect the village and villagers (respecting the silence and the culture of the
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Application Form