Data de início: 10-11-2016
Data de fim: 01-07-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-10-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is an association which develops and carries out national and transnational projects in the domains of international mobility, European citizenship, interculturality and non-formal education. The importance of creative and (inter)cultural skills is being increasingly recognised at the European level, and as such in 2010 The organization launched a culture department inside the organisation, whose mission it is to:
• Develop and run international cultural projects, especially in the domain of arts in public spaces and in association with young professional and amateur artists.
• Provide help and support to cultural operators who wants to work with European funds
• To organise an annual cultural event taking place on May
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: 1. Annual cultural event
- Coordination of cultural activities in the framework of the day of Europe
- Participation in the overall organization of the event
- Communication activities
- Preparation of animations in link with others EVS
- Evaluation and valorization of the event
2. Laboratory for Arts in Public Spaces
The Laboratory is an artistic, intercultural and human adventure around arts in the public space of four countries: France, Morocco, Germany and Italy. Via an itinerant route, 4 mentors, 16 artists and 32 young amateurs will form different art collectives and exchange views and artistic contexts and perspectives. They will present their artistic work at renowned International street arts festivals. Based on these experiences, the 16 artists will develop their personal projects which will be presented to the professionals in the artistic and creative fields.
Missions :
- Communication activities
- Valorization of the event
What it sounds like to be a refugee is a documentary on the cultural and musical background of refugees living by the Mediterranean sea in Italy, Spain, Greece and France.
The project will promote the values and cultures of refugees to a European audience, showing them another side of people who have been forced to migrate from their homes and have found themselves along the Mediterranean sea. This is a story that goes beyond the packed boats, the precarious and tragic crossings — a positive, vibrant film exploring what Europe is gaining instead of focusing on what it’s afraid of. It’s a film about the beauty and complexity of cultural contamination, giving a European audience a new avenue to empathise with refugees that pushes beyond the media narratives of fear and invasion dominating the news. Music is an universal language and one of the most accessible ways to overcome barriers, tell stories to each other, and encourage new thinking. The documentary centers around the music and cross-cultural approach of musician Sandro Joyeux, whose songs span the global south and pull African and European influences into a uniquely Mediterranean mix of joy, wisdom and celebration. The documentary will use Sandro’s music to encourage Europeans to think differently about forced migration and the resilience of people who have risked everything. There is no denying the pain of so many dreams deferred — but it’s impossible not to celebrate the resilience and hope for the future that so many refugees carry with them. This documentary will make that resilience palpable through the universal power of music.
Storytelling creates empathy, and empathy is fuel for action and social change. Public opinion in the countries along Europe’s borders is driven by a mix of pity and fear towards new arrivals. A documentary can motivate, inspire change and galvanize people into taking action.
Our communications campaign goes beyond promoting the documentary and is a comprehensive plan for audience engagement. The strategic partnership that will make it happen is made up of two young and innovative creative groups — the filmmakers and the musician — working directly with experienced NGOs who are working daily with refugees. This project insists another Europe is possible, one with equal opportunities for all citizens — born in Europe or newly arrived. The communications strategy, a dual-track approach covering both web and community-based interventions, will reach new
Audiences and invite them to take action for a better Europe.
Missions :
- Animation and valorization of the project on the social networks and toward associative partners
- Participation to the logistic organization of the filming
- Participation to the diffusion of the documentary in schools
4- Other missions :
- Participate in the daily activities of the association
- Animation of information meetings for young people on European mobility
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter