Data de início: 01-02-2017
Data de fim: 30-10-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 30-08-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Culture center is a culture house that consists of regular exhibitions, theater plays, cinema and hosts the biggest new media festival in Slovenia. The center is oriented towards new medias such as robotics, video, installation art and many more. The tasks of the volunteer would be to help with setting up of the exhibitions, creative promotion of events, creating promotional videos for the program.
Youth theater- Is an amateur theater group that has been active for 51 seasons. The group has many agree groups from age 5 to age 70. Yearly they host about 4 theater plays and one mayor event at the end of each year. The task of the volunteer would be to help with the group of teenagers who prepare plays, create plays with them and the scenery for the performance and carry out street promotion through theater plays. Implement their culture through theater and learn new ways of expressing.
Youth center – is a center that works with yound people between the ages of 15-30. The center works on enpowering youth and selfinitiative anmongs the younsters. The main working method are non formal learning, life long learning and mentorship. Development of creativit ideas and strategies is very important for this project.
This is a EVS project that involves 3 EVS volunteers who will be working in the filed of creativity, theater,project development, expression and understanding the importance of unity and tolerance in today's society. The project aims to bring understanding among the community about tolerance towards migration, differences in race, culture, age and sex trough creating an interactive space of unity with the use of creative tools such as theater, installation, sound and video.
The project is constructed of two parts.
1. The project involves 2 local partners ( Cultural center and Youth theater) and the youth center. Each EVS volunteer would carry out their service in one of the 3 organizations 3 days a week.
2. The 2 days left in the week all 3 volunteers would be working on a project that brings together their hosting organizations in to one project, which result would be a interactive installation with a hint of performance arts. Time spent planning the project would be done in the youth center with the help of a coordinator.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Each of the three volunteers will be working three days a week in separate, above mentioned organizations with individual time sceduals, also the volunteer will be visiting other local organizations such as schools, center for reuse, and center for disabled.
Two days a week all three volunteers will be working in the youth center creating the project. One of the volunteers who will be working mostly in host organization will be the leader of the project. The common basis of all three organization is creativity in different fields, which the volunteers can apply in their project together. In the youth center volunteers will recognize the importance of unity, tolerance and understanding towards acceptance by discussions, brainstorming and researches.
Based on their understanding and observation they will create a common space or a installation that will combine all their creative work from other organizations in to one project, a zone of understanding and acceptation. The end result would be a event where the interactive installation/ performance would we presented to the public.
Other then their major project the group of three volunteers will work under a group name and prepare monthly events in the youth center for the local youngsters. These events can be connected to their hosting organizations as well, events such as workshops, cultural evenings, exhibitions, movie nights, poetry evenings, plays, street work or any other form of interaction for the local youngsters, which would also promote EVS in the local community.
This is a project of creativity, development and implementation of ideas, carrying out project such as this help build organizational, teambuilding and time management skills.
If you believe there should be a place where all people feel equal and what to build a project on this through cretivity. Than this is a project for you!
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter