Data de início: 19-06-2017
Data de fim: 19-09-2017
Vagas: 3
Duração: 3 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 08-08-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Through the project we want to draw attention to the importance of the proper relationship of Man toward Nature. Every part of the nature has their own story !
The world is changing rapidly. Prosperity has reached unprecedented levels. But so have our demands on the environment, and so has the gap between rich and poor. Natural resources provide services that sustain our lives and are crucial for economic development and human well-being. Using natural resources sustainably is key to ensuring their availability also for future generations while satisfying the needs of today. We offer environmental volunteer programs with a social commitment, regardless of age, gender, religion, nationality or profession, in control and protection activities of Protected Areas; research and conservation of karst ecosystem's; awareness and environmental education, and the fight against lack of environmental awareness.
Perfil: The organization is looking for dynamic, creative, forward looking, dedicated and results-oriented volunteers who want to work in nature and in field of nature conservation. This project is extended version of other project, and the main aim is exploration and protection of underground systems, karst surface form's, helping local's and learning about Croatia's nature and history. We believe that by sharing the responsibility of caring for our environment, we are able to conserve and protect it for the benefits of our future generations.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Volunteers will be involved in the following range of activities:
1. Cave monitoring – bats
2. Monitoring the status of underground ecosystems
3. Learning the basic of speleology
4. Inventorying of water sources ans speleological objects
5. Guided Walk - Lead a group for a walk along the forest trails and through touristic cave
6. Educational Activities - Create awareness and appreciation about the nature, learning about karst, history of Croatia etc.
7. Children Programmes - Interact and share with children about our nature
8. Publications - Write, edit and design of Volunteer newsletter and volunteer blog
9. Design and artwork - Provide design services for our promotional and educational materials such as posters, banners, signs and interactive media programmes.
10. Visitor services - Provide information and advice to visitors to the park
11. Photography - Contribution of photographs on the flora and fauna in the park for documentation and publication purposes
12. Cave and karst cleanup, arranging educational trails
13. Helping local's residents in their daily activities
14. Learning Croatian language
15. Children Programmes – school of foreign language for local kids
16. Creation karst forms ( with natural materials ) for blinde and partially sighted visitors
Condições: 1
Formação: Volunteers would have the opportunity to learn and adopt the following skills:
1.Base of theoretical knowledge about the concept, origin and types of karst relief; base of theoretical and practical knowledge for monitoring of bats and speleological objects;
2. Introduction to the basic assumptions of karst protection issues and finding solutions to these problems:
3. To increase environmental and social awareness of participants;
4. Develop communication, organizational and administrative skills;
5. Basic working skills in field research (working on GPS, mapping, navigation in nature,monitoring);
6. Introduction to the work and the notion of of protected areas;
7. Getting acquainted with local tradition and mentality;
8. Learn the basics of the Croatian language;
9. Acquire skills to work in a team;
10. Acquire a sense of independence, self-initiative;
11. Acquire work experience.
We expect to host 10 participants ie. Volunteers. Volunteers will be staying in a creative environment and will therefore be able to direct their ideas to improve park services for users. Volunteers will be in direct communication with visitors of the park. For each proposed activities volunteers will be divided in groups, according to their skills and interest, and each group will be working one part of the activity.
In order to become a partner in this project you must comply with the following criteria:
high motivation, inovative
aged of participant over 18
team workers, desire to work in the nature and field research
- computer skills
- desire to work with children
- high levels of communication skills, good knowledge of English language
represent fully registered NGO/Institution which has PIC number and uploaded registration documents to URF portal
You are legally established in a country belonging to one of the following groups: - the 27 EU member states.
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter