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Data de início: 01-08-2016

Data de fim: 01-08-2017

Vagas: 2

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-05-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The organisation exists since 1983 and it's activities today range up to activities in around 30 countries. The organisation tries to participate in social and cultural changes at both local and international level, using posters with short but strong texts (one-liners), which shine a different light on a particular subject. In addition, the organisation makes international (youth) projects. The projects, as the posters, have a wide range of themes and focuses, but are always based on humanistic values and creativity.

The objective is to exchange ideas and opinions. To stimulate people to create their own ideas and use their own unique talents. The organisation is an organisation that tries to participate in social and cultural changes at both local and international level. The medium organisation mainly uses for that is posters with short but strong texts (one-liners), which shine a different light on a particular subject. Our main activity is to create such posters, together with our members, but also with people from other organisations. The posters are spread around in the streets, community centers, libraries, schools etc. Our target group is wide, but in some groups we are morepopular: scholars, students, members of other organisations involved in social changes. The threshold for Loesje activities is very low, so that people from all levels of society can join in. With our poster workshops we visit a lot of schools, where we meet advantaged as well as disadvantaged youngsters.

Apart from the core activity of the posters, the organisation makes international (youth) projects where people from all over the world come together and share experiences and learn from each other. We try to stimulate press freedom, creativity and active citizenship through creative innovative projects, which challenge and stimulate the participants. The projects, as the posters, have a wide range of themes and focuses, but are always based on humanistic values and creativity.

Perfil: Age:17-30

Condições: 1

Documentação: Send us your C.V. and motivational letter in english where you explain should you be the part of this particular project and why are you interested in the topics written above. We will response you in case of interest and schedule Skype call with you.

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