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Data de início: 01-09-2016

Data de fim: 01-09-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-05-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The organization is the head office of 5 youth welfare organizations located in 5 different places in the city. These five youth organizations have their own indidvidual character but we try to work in a simular way without losing this. Every organization has also their own social, artistic and cultural workshop. There is also SACA, social artistic and cultural ateliers. At this moment these are theater, multimedia, photography and dance. We also have a department Cre@tive, they are responsible for the support and inspiration of the staffmembers. The 5 organizations have an average of 1000 members. The aims of the youth welfare organizations are: - Offering activities in the sparetime of the children and youngsters. - To have extra attention for welfare. - To be a bridgefigure to other social organizations. - To influence other social organizations so the connection between these organizations and the children and the youngsters will be more positive and better. - To have respect for each individual. - To think more collective. The average staff in the different youth centres are 7 professional workers, each responsible for their group, and 1 coordinator to coordinate the youth centre.

Tarefas: The ‘vrijwilligerswerking’ (volunteers): Youngsters who want to be more involved with the youth centre can decide to do voluntary work. They help in preparing and accomplish activities. They are guided by the professional colleagues. They have the opportunity to develop competences by attending trainings. To say thanks the professional colleagues do leisure activities with the volunteers. Beside these groups we believe it is important to give extra impulses. That's why we work on a lot of projects. Every day we rediscover that with our approach we can reach a lot of objectives. For us this is very important. Not only because we become 'richer' people ourselves but mainly because we believe that all children on this world have the right to attention, affection, new chances and especially to love!

Condições: 1

Documentação: Send us your C.V. and motivational letter in english where you explain should you be the part of this particular project and why are you interested in the topics written above. We will response you in case of interest and schedule Skype call with you.

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