Data de início: 25-10-2016
Data de fim: 08-02-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 4 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-09-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is an organization of a catholic church which has been set up in 1990. The organisation brings help to every single person in need regardless worldview, religion, gender, age or health status. The organization supported by employees, volunteers, church members and school caritas groups is providing a stable help to many people by its various activities. The main ones are following:
- run the canteen and bath house where poor people every day can get a warm meal and wash themselves,
- organise a big meal gathering around the one table for people in need, and gives out them the food during big holidays such as Easter, Christmas,
- run therapy centers for people with disabilities where they can get a stable educational and social rehabilitation,
- run common rooms for children and youth where they can get help from adults in a homework and spend free time with youth leader organising different activities such as art, sport, outdoor etc. instead of just being on the street,
- organise camps in which children and youth from disadvantage families can join during summer and winter time,
- run center which gives shelter for single mothers raising children alone,
- run medical and social help centers, elderly centers and a hospice.
- likes to work with children and youth and who knows how to get in touch with them (or not be afraid of them),
- likes to discover new things, open-minded,
- active, taking initiative, creative,
- stable emotionally,
- communicative,
- responsible, able to deal with often hyperactive children,
- such interests as sport, music, dance or any other kind of passion with which volunteer can infect young people are very appreciated.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: We would like the volunteer to join the workshop team, show his/her presence, make impact on the place, that the workplace feels that has got an EVS volunteer! :)
Proposed activities in the workplace:
1. Foreign languages lessons for people once/twice a week,
2. National days of my country:
- preparation of big poster with basic words in my language,
- my national dishes, cooking activities,
- what do you know about my country? – presentation about history, traditions + quiz.
3. During summer/winter holidays join the camps with children/youth as a guardian and activities arranger.
4. Using such equipment like: camera, microphone, voice recorder make an interview with local community about:
- Who is volunteer? Is he/she needed?
- Other themes to choose.
5. The volunteer is encourage to make a movie or photo exhibition about EVS, about her/his EVS experience in Poland.
- Help with homework of children/youth such as English language, math, geographic etc.,
- Follow the activities which are organized by the youth leader,
- Propose own activities which can be organized with the youth leader such as cooking, art, sports activities etc.,
- Play games with children,
- Help in daily duties such as cleaning, washing etc.
- Participation in any other additional activities proposed by the EVS coordinator, for example visit in the school with a presentation.
We are also open for volunteers’ ideas. If you would like to propose your own activity – go ahead!
Horário: October 2016
- Arrival to Poland,
- Intensive Polish course,
- Adaptation, integration
November 2016
- EVS on-arrival training,
- Introducing to the workplace
- the first weeks is a time for adapting, getting to know observing each others, asking questions. The leader is showing what to do.
December 2016
- Christmas preparation in the workplace
- Christmas fair
- Christmas Eve meetings (Wigilia)
- International Volunteer’s Day
Jan-Feb 2017
- Back to workplace after the Christmas brake
- Second evaluation meeting and questionnaire, EVS coordinator + volunteers
March 2017
- Work in a place
- Visits of EVS coordinator in each workplace
- EVS mid-term training
April-May 2017
- Work in a place
- Easter preparation in the workplace
- Easter fair
- Easter meetings
June-July 2017
- Evaluation meeting and questionnaire, EVS coordinator + volunteers,
- Evaluation conversation with EVS coordinator about how the volunteer find in a workplace, what is his/her idea for being here etc.
- The volunteer have summer holidays in order to propose, write on the paper examples of activities.
- Summer activities in the place,
Participation in summer camps in the mountains, lake
August 2017
- Work in a place
- introducing the prepared earlier activity plan and discussion with leader.
- the leader can share his observation about the volunteer.
September 2017
- EVS Farewells and departures
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter