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Data de início: 03-09-2016

Data de fim: 01-02-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 5 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 18-07-2016

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Objective of the project is nonformal, intercultural experience for volunteers and support their participation on public live, enable them to obtain new knowledge about ecology and environment protection, practical skills in work with young people in sphere of environmental education depending on her\his individual interests and skills.
The second project objective is to promote value of voluntarism among the young people in this region. Presence of a foreign volunteer will bring European awareness to work of local young volunteers, and offer them the opportunity to see voluntarism from another point of view and perhaps become more active in the future.

The association works in order to contribute the good use of our natural environment. It seemed very important for us to share our concern with as many people as possible. To do so, we want to involve young people to our activity. Offering that possibility to young people from other countries is also one of our objectives. Beyond the intercultural enrichment, it give them the opportunity to evaluate the situation of the environment in our country and help us to care for it, help us to get new ideas and maybe give example to young people from Slovakia to do the same, by giving the volunteer possibility to work and contact local youngsters.

Every one EVS volunteer will prepare and will be responsible for his/her individual project prepared with volunteers after arrival, to develop skills and work on focus his/her own interest in frame of the Association framework.

Perfil: It is not in our capacities to validate special learning outcomes of volunteers, but we will give special focus to prepare youth pass - reflecting obtained skills and knowledge.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: Volunteer´s work in Association, will depends the most of volunteer´s skills and interests in field the Association framework which is:
- care about natural localities–(cmoving invasive plant species and planting original species, maintenance walking paths and educational trials in the valley)
- involving young local people in solving environmental problems, involving young people in to decision making about their environment and local heritage protection (
- help with preparing publications about natural values in valley endangered by preparing water dam construction
- help in community centre in the village, help with organizing summer camps, workshops, hand craft courses, and happenings.

Proposed activities for volunteers:

 Management of natural localities and practical nature conservation with purpose to save optimal condition of biotopes and natural processes.
mowing invasive plant species
mowing natural localities with valuable biotopes
creating and repairing walking paths and educational trials – caring of them and repairing

Aims: (saving the favorable statement of ecosystems) Volunteers will participate on this activities also with local people. He/she would become familiar with negative processes in local biotopes, about succession or degradation ecosystems.
Volunteer can obtain new knowledge and skills useful for management, of different biotopes, building educational trials etc.

 preparing activities for community center
The Association already several years has rent old school building in the village. We prepare in this old building center for school children and local people, where they can see and try traditional handcrafts, local products, learn more about sustainable development and values of local surrounding in northern part of Zvolen fold.
Volunteer will obtain an interesting experience, contacts with young people and people from local community.

Methods: panting, woodcraft, small works on building reconstruction, organizing workshops...

 help with preparing information materials about the village

We would like to prepare publications about natural values of the valley from different point of view. Volunteers will participate on creation materials according his/her skills and interests.
Methods: painting, photographs, graphic arrangement materials, translation to other language.
Purpose: obtain new skills and knowledge, participate on activities of Association

 organizing activities for young people to support environmental awareness
one of the crucial aims of the Association is support public participation on decision making (not only) about environmental matters
 we will organize several different workshops – EVS volunteers will participate on organization and preparation
Methods:,help with organizing activities, prepare short videos, presentations, information campaign....
 Purpose: obtain new skills and knowledge, personal development, strengthen environmental and civic awareness
Each one of EVS volunteer will prepare his/her own personal project according his/her skills and interests focused in the Association frame work.

Condições: 1

Documentação: Cv + Motivation Letter

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