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Data de início: 05-09-2016

Data de fim: 01-03-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 6 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 20-04-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 90 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The organisation is a non-governmental non-profit Youth Organisation. The organisation was established in 1997 by young members of the United Nations support group. We see our mission in promotion the idea of international volunteerism in Russia by means of long-term and short-term voluntary projects. What are the aims:
- to assist the development of youth policy and youth movement in Russia;
- to promote the Samara Region to young people and youth organisations all over the world;
- to activate and unite young people from various cultural, political and national backgrounds

According to these aims we:
- co-operate with local and international non-governmental and non-profit organisations;
- participate in international youth exchange programmes and organise such programmes;

The project will take place in the city. Our office is located in the Old part of the city. It is the most beautiful part of the city. The main walking street with main shops, restaurants, cafes and museums are in 10 minutes walk. The Old part of the city embankment is within 5 minutes walk. Though the volunteer should be ready that the city is very big and it would take him/her 15-20 minutes to get to the Center of the city. The volunteer will be provided with the city map and the coordinator will show the volunteer the easiest way to get to the project from his/her living place by public transport. The volunteer should be ready that if host family or apartment is in the center, s/he will have to spend some time to get to the project place. Sometimes if the weather is snowy or rainy, there may be big traffic jams, and the trip to our office might take longer than usual.

Perfil: EVS volunteer profile: open to communication with new cultures and learning other languages, very different from the native one, creative, friendly, energetic and ready to adapt to new environment, a good command of English as well as PC literacy (Word, Excel) will be of use spoken Russian is very welcome. The EVS vacancy will be announced to all project partners. All volunteers applications will be collected and screened by the potential sending organisations. The organisation will organise an interview with the possible candidate via Skype in order to get acquainted with him/her and to tell inform her/him about the working and living conditions of the project. If there are more than one candidates, the organisation will conduct interviews with all of them and then announce the final decision to partners.

Tarefas: The volunteer will work hand in hand with the organisation staff in the daily activities of the organization. The volunteer will assist to the staff in issues linked to international youth exchange and voluntary programmes such as: public relations, quality improvement, project management, crisis management, partnership building, etc. The volunteer learning process in the above fields will be provided by trainings, informal discussions as well as weekly and monthly planning and evaluation meetings. The volunteer will be involved (planning, assisting during, participating, etc.) in the organization of trainings for long term and short term volunteers coming within the programs of Icye Federation. This will enable her/him to get a hands-on experience in the running of international youth activities. The volunteer learning and service experience will be documented. The organisation will provide him/her will the information on Youthpass and will assist the volunteer in its arrangement if needed. The volunteer will have an opportunity to obtain following skills:
- ability to interact with different cultures, to listen and try to understand other opinions and other life visions, to treat cultural difficulties and misunderstandings as a part of learning process;
- to explore her/his own personality, as she/he will be confronted with new situations;
- to negotiate in different contexts and with people from different cultures / backgrounds;
- to be independent and autonomous;
- to experience team work and to learn various working methods;
- to take up the role of a leader;
- to speak foreign language;
- to admit and experience that flexibility and openness are essential in intercultural communication process;

Documentação: Send us your C.V. and motivational letter where you explain should you be the part of this particular project and why are you interested in the topics written above. We will responde you in case of interest and schedule Skype call with you.

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