República Checa
Data de início: 01-08-2016
Data de fim: 01-03-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 7 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Club is a Low-threshold facilities for children and young people which is opened for young people without limitations regardless their ethnic or social backgrounds, ideology, religion, sexual orientation, health condition or lifestyle. It offers social services and alternative free time activities and opportunities for children and youth to speak about their problems and to receive help and advice. It organizes also cultural and social prevention programs and activities.
The Club is located in the town centre, so itâs easily accessible. It consists of 2 rooms for children activities and store. In the main room there is non-alcoholic bar, mini football, sofas and computer with internet for clients (and volunteers too). For administration work, meetings and planning programs for clients we use our office.
Perfil: Volunteers need to have a positive approach to children and young people and possess a good understanding of different lifestyles. It does not matter whether a volunteer is male or female. They need to be sensitive and respectful towards children and young people's social needs. An experience with social work or free time activities is welcomed but not an obligation.
We need creative people who can enrich our team and program.
Because our clients are 12 through 20 years old we prefer volunteers that are older than 21 until 30 years old
The volunteers should be able to speak English or Czech on a communicative level, because they will need to communicate with clients and other workers on daily basis.
The background of the applicants is not as important to us as their motivation to take up the challenge and work with children and young people.
Tarefas: Our organization offers many learning opportunities for volunteers. During the project in our organization, a volunteer can learn something about:
- social work
- improvement social and economic skills
- czech language, culture
- social system in Czech republic
- work with children and youth
- romany culture
- team work
Volunteer can gain new experiences, get new friends, see interesting places of the Czech republic, learn how to live in foreign surroundings and by that learn about himself.
The organization works in 3 different towns and thus a volunteer will have the possibility to meet new people in other cities and get to know better the region and the regional communities. In the beginning, the volunteer will stay only in one to absorb new informations, commence a language course and to get acquainted with other co-workers, his/her mentor and with the methodology and work of the organization. Later on, there will also be an opportunity to visit other projects run by the organization in the region to gain an overview of the organisation structure and the standard of provided services. The organization is already Hosting, Sending and Coordinating Organisation for a workplace in the town. Volunteer can be in contact with the other volunteers there or other organizations.
The organization provides social services based on a low-threshold system which means that the requirements for clients to receive the social service are minimal and that the social service is shaped by the needs of the clients. The services are free, anonymous and offered in the most suitable places and times for the clients. The clients are not obliged to participate in any of the offered activities or to become members of the club.
Each volunteer is considered as a part of the working team and together with other workers participates in the program preparation (for example free time activities, preventive programs) and realization in the club, runs his/her own activities (teaching volunteerâs language, making presentations about his/her country, town, traditions, playing games, communicate with clients), supervision, help us to clean-up the premises and serve the bar (selling products to clients). We offer possibility to implement own ideas and activities.
Volunteer has a meeting with workers every week. There we evaluate previous program and plan new programs for clients. We also talk about volunteerâs feelings, ideas, needs and plans for next weeks. It doesnât have to concern just a work in a club, but even their private matters, if they want to talk about them. We try to be supportive in their work, life and life in foreign country.
Volunteers will attend a Czech language course with a private teacher throughout their stay. Lessons of Czech language are counted to the working time. The time of lesson choose volunteer with teacher together, but it canât be during the time of the club opening hours. Every volunteer has his/her own mentor which guides volunteer in his free time. Frequency depends on volunteerâs and mentorâs agreement.
Possible schedule of volunteer's work (30 hours/week):
60 % - work in club with children and youth (activities run in the afternoon hours)
20 % - preparing programs (in the working time before opening the club or in a day when the club is not opened)
15 % - individual projects or others activities (in the working time before the club or at home and according to collude with workers it is possible to count it as the working time)
5 % - cleaning (in a day when the club is not opened)
The schedule can be changed according to necessities of the club. In the future it is possible to do programmes during the weekend. In that case the days spend here would be compensate by some other working day.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês