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Data de início: 01-06-2016

Data de fim: 31-01-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 8 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 10-04-2016

Financiamento: Candidatura

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The Foundation was established the 1st of July 1955, it wa then entered into the National Court Register. The Foundation originates form the activities of the center of Academic. Thanks to the commitment and dedication of a target group of young people headed by SP. Fr. Monsignor Zygmunt trybowski, it was possible to make the first steps with allowed us to work to this day along this path.

Initially, the foundation was a private education insitution operating into the parish (the founding body and operators); with time (in 2003) the organization was transformed into a foundation. Under the new facility, operations expanded in a variety of new and interesting projects. The Foundation is always following closely the needs of the local community and seeks to respond to these needs.

The mission of the Foundation is based on the personal concept of ecucation of John Paul II. The theory assumes, among others, that the process of education for a man is a conscious and subjective process, considering each individual as responsible for his own actions. Particularly important is the autonomy of man and that he should become good for others.

The Personality theory is promoted not only among children and adolescents, but the mature and elderly people too have the opportunity to shape their personality through implementation of the actions carried out into the organization. We are trying to reach both the young and older. We get to involve the first group most often as educators, trainers and animators, offering them a responsible attitude, allowing them to grow up building their own identity. The second - students and adults - we get in touch by offering art, culture and education.

The main objectives of the Foundation are to:
- promote and sustain the values associated with Polish culture
- encourage and promote education
- organize activities for families, charuty, spots and recreation,
- raising public awreness toward environmental protection and health care.

Perfil: - eager to work alone as weel as in a team, with other volunteers and staff of the Foundation;
- organized
- creative
- reliable
- with initiative, pro-active;
- punctual

Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The volunteer will help launguage classes and workshops for Polish unemployed youth. They will also have the opportunity to further develop their work experience with different activities for the local community - also for children and elderly people. The daily tasks of the volunteer:
- preparatio of workshops for unemployed people, mainly language course, specially english (and maybe spanish or french too);
- preparation of a stand promoting volunteering and "Erasmus+" at the festivals;
- promotion of volunteering at events organized by tThe Foundation;
- help in some office work.

Horário: The volunteer will work 5 days a week (from Monday to friday) and, once a month one day of the weekend, for which he/she will receive an additional day off. The work will last no more than 7 hours per day.
Generally, volunteers will have weekends free. They can spend it visiting the city, country and taking part in the community. During all public and religious

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Motivation Letter

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