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Data de início: 05-08-2017

Data de fim: 01-10-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 2 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-09-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The purpose of the organization which was created in the year of 2000 is to achieve psychological, social and communal rehabilitation for the the people who are working or being worked in the streets, thrown away by their parents, and campaign against all the factors that could cause segregation and gain their social, economical and social needs. The organization has been performing the European Voluntary Service since 2005. Until this day, our organization brought many volunteers to our country and done works with them in their projects. These countries are programme countries or neighbour countries and almost volunteers from every country has taken part in the activities of the organization .

Almost everyone of these volunteers goes back to their countries with happy and many beautiful memories. Also, after they leave we keep in contact with them and when they visit our country again they could use their old house (the house that was used during the EVS) as guests if it is not being used at that moment.

Perfil: Age: 17-30

Tarefas: we have the following activities: Muay Thai , Capoeira, Dance, Volleyball, Karate, Chess, English and Art classes. In the beginning, the volunteers only participate in the activities that are already conducted by other volunteers and local staff. As he or she gets used to the local community and to the routine, we ask him or her to conduct his or her own activities taking into account his or her interests and skills. As I mentioned, we strongly encourage everyone to be involved in as many different things as possible. For services lasting 2 months, the volunteer will mainly assist; for long term services, the volunteer may only have his or her own activities

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

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