Data de início: 06-04-2016
Data de fim: 01-11-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 7 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-03-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Youth organization was founded in 2010 by a team of young and enthusiastic volunteers who wanted to contribute to the local community with their own ideas and projects. As we work a long time as clinic animator we learned how valuable thing is to be healthy and we propose to help other kids and teenagers about this as well.
We offer to our volunteers a European volunteer intercultural experience through promoting a healthy life style and fight against drugs dependence. This is a follow up project of previous EVS project with 6 volunteers realized in 2013-2014. During this project we want to underline the importance of education for a healthy life style at early age as a part of an efficient prevention campaign against dependence.
In the previous project volunteers had the chance to work with psychologist, doctors, teachers,patients and kids and to develop a program of activities, which help kids to understand and learn about healthy food, healthy movements, healthy relationship and ecology.
Perfil: We would appreciate a candidate with the following characteristic: emphaty, tolerance, responsibility, kindness, loyalty, dedication, creativity, artistic skills.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: 1. – will create workshops about promoting healthy life style and cultural diversity for kids in kindergarten, schools, but also in hospitals, and social centres
2. – will create liveliness non-formal activities for teenagers and children about a healthy life style and cultural diversity
3. – will be involved in organizing occupational therapy activities and a large diversity of entertaining activities for the drug addicted young adults
4. – will be engaged in social and cultural events for initiave projects developed together with the staff
5. – will be in charge with the project visibility in the on-line media (Facebook, the association’s blog, YouTube, etc)
Condições: 1
Documentação: Cv + Carta de motivação em inglês