Data de início: 05-06-2016
Data de fim: 18-01-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-04-2016
Financiamento: Reprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The organization coordinates EVS hosting activities in close cooperation with local partners, environmental, social and municipal institutions, which provide working environments and internal support for volunteers. Therefore, every hosting project might have different environments in the city or the countryside. Naturally, volunteers’ tasks and activities vary too depending on the hosting partner and the project. Nevertheless, some basic hosting principles are always followed, for example, volunteers are always accommodated in the vicinity of the working place (transport covered), they are provided with private rooms, they are always placed within a local community, have local mentors assigned for extra support etc.
Our office is a contact point for Lithuanian young people and volunteers willing to go abroad, searching for information, volunteering projects, willing to help, interested in intercultural issues. It is also a place for international volunteers (from different parts of Lithuania) to have EVS related meetings, plan common activities or simply socialize.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: 15 % - assist park's specialists during the monitoring of nesting, wintering birds and breeding animals;
15 % - landscape and visitor monitoring;
15 % - work in Visitor Center (activities includes communication with tourists, providing them information, showing and presenting the exposition of Visitor Center, turning on audiovisual devices, assisting during excursions, prepare activities for children groups, assisting in various projects and seminars);
10 % - collect the park's natural and cultural heritage photo gallery;
10 % - organize events by their own initiative (there is a will to organize summer camp for children, where volunteers could present their country or realize their ideas);
15 % - help to maintenance the Administration's territory (inside and outside the Visitor Center), the cognitive path "Litorina" and cognitive botanical path of Nemirseta information stands;
10 % - fisheries control, construction and rules of visiting control, monitoring of cultural heritage,
10 % - establish friendship with local people, assist park's specialists organizing events for Evangelical Lutheran community;
On arrival volunteer will be presented with the territory, park’s infrastructure maintenance, will get trainings.
Spring season – landscape monitoring, nesting bird and breeding animals monitoring, park’s infrastructure maintenance, work in Visitor Center, collect photo gallery, maintenance of recreation and environmental park’s infrastructure.
Summer season – visitors monitoring, organize events and summer camps for children, assisting during excursion, work in Visitor Center, communication with tourists, assisting in various projects and seminars, fisheries, construction and rules of visiting control, nature monitoring, park’s infrastructure maintenance, collect photo gallery, monitoring of breeding animals, organize events by own initiative.
Autumn season – landscape, cultural heritage monitoring, work in Visitor Center, communication with tourists, assisting in various projects and seminars, fisheries, construction and rules of visiting control, nature monitoring, collect photo gallery, establish friendship with local people.
Winter season - Christmas event for Evangelical Lutheran community, work in Visitor Center, communication with tourists, fisheries, construction and rules of visiting control, collect photo gallery, wintering birds monitoring.
A lot of activities depends on the volunteer and his/her activities, initiative and creative ideas. Volunteer will create his/her own personal daily schedule.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de motivação em inglês