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Data de início: 22-06-2016

Data de fim: 30-09-2016

Vagas: 3

Duração: 3 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 04-05-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The host organization is a non-profit making organization which develops environmental and inheritage conservation projects, through different actions and publics: inclusion work, training work, voluntary work and other actions of sustainable development in rural areas.

A group of 8 European volunteers and 2 French volunteers will be hosted. This team will take part in the enhancement of the natural and building heritage.

The volunteers will have the chance to work on tree counties. The volunteers will travel and spend time outside their lodging location for several week camps. That will be the opportunity to discover local culture and people.

The team of volunteers will take part to several kind of activities :
A/ Technical activities: environmental and inheritage conservation, restoration of a pond, organization of a local festival, creation of a collective garden … (others activities are being built).
The activities will be supervised by the technical leaders of the organization.

B/ Educational activities: Raising awareness on environmental issues and local heritage (with schools, local population, visitors …), link with the local actors.

Perfil: Being a volunteer requires the appropriate profile, commitment, sense of responsibility, open minded and availability for the whole duration of the project. Willing to live a collective experience.
The volunteers will have to deal with a mixed group of different nationalities and create relationships with local communities.
A first experience in volunteering would be a plus as well as knowledge in the conservation of heritage. Interest for Interest for French language and culture.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The team of volunteers will be supervised by the professional technical leaders on all supports which involved specific skills. The volunteers will work from Monday to Friday, 35 hours a week. The volunteers will have days off between the activities.

A. Technical tasks
1. Water-mill :
Location : countryside
Dates : 3,5 weeks in June-July
Accommodation : rural campsite with electricity, showers and dry toilets
Project: Environment and local event preparation
o Restoration of a pond for the preservation of biodiversity.
o Preparation of a full day and evening event including nature walk, games tournament, horse and donkey riding, live music, cinema, etc… This event has been running for the 5 last years and is gaining popularity in this countryside!

2. Young workers’ hostel:
Location : city center
Dates : 3 weeks in august
Accommodation : Collective rooms in a young workers’ hostel
Project : Creation of a collective garden
o Creation of wood planters/flowers
o Creation of garden furniture
o Etc…

B. Educational activities
o Develop relationship with local population by working on various technical supports.
o Preparation of multicultural events
o Enhancement of European voluntary experience with schools, local population, young workers etc…
o As part of the cultural exchange, volunteers will take part to the cultural programs with local community.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + carta de motivação em inglês/francês

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