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Data de início: 05-09-2016

Data de fim: 04-09-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 22-02-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 110 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: This is an association with more than 7.000 members. Therefore it is the biggest youth organisation. There are four main principles for our work with young people: support, personal development, spirituality and socio-political commitment. Additionally the host organization is responsible for children’s and young people’s lobby in general, and provides support for more than 130 parishes (financial support, ideas, trainings etc.). In the parishes there are small chapters of the organization like ministrants, youth groups or choirs, which are run by voluntary (unpaid) members.

The organisation itself is non-commercial, non-profit, and purues a (Catholic) churchly purpose. The organisations purpose is to plan and accomplish churchly work with children and young people. Networking with other youth organisations in Austria is another important aspect of our work. Everyday life in our offices includes office work in general as well as the organisation of various activities for young people, that is young people in general and youngsters actively involved in parish work. These activities include workshops, youth exchanges, creative leisure time activities, seminars on different topics (youth work, teamwork, spirituality etc.)or trips

Perfil: The volunteer should be open for the concerns of the Catholic Church but does not have to be a member of the Church. She/He should like to work with children and young people and should be creative. Basic knowledge of German would be an advantage but is not necessary for the work in our office. She/He should be reliable. It would make things easier if the volunteer had a driving licence but it is also not necessary
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: The volunteer in our organisation will get an insight into Catholic youth work and more general in Austria. He/she will learn a lot about working in a team and working on her/his own in an office, as office work is a major part of the everyday-routine. Moreover she/he will gather skills of planning, running and evaluating projects. The volunteer will develop many creative skills as preparing creative activities and workshops are major parts of the project. On the other hand our organisation will profit from the new ideas and the special skills which the volunteer brings in this project. Generally the volunteer will learn about the Austrian culture and Erasmus+ will therefore help to reduce prejudices and stereotypes.

• Events: The main part of the volunteer’s tasks is to help (background work in the office) with the preparation and organisation of the various activities organised by the host organization for the whole region: summer camps, creative events for children and young people, trainings for young people in various fields (communication, personality development, etc.), events throughout the year (e.g. for Christmas and Easter). The volunteer helps to organise the program, can lead workshops if she/he wants (and the language skills are appropriate), helps in public relations etc. There are also some workshops in the weekends where the volunteer will participate and also help. If the volunteer is working in these workshops he/she will have the equivalent hours of free time in the following week.

• Projects: The second field of activities is the assistance with projects that we do along the year: camps, weekend-workshops for apprentices, music events, artistic workshops (painting, music), youth exchanges. The volunteer will mainly be seen as support to the whole team in various projects and events run by our organisation. He/she will be involved in the whole planning, running and evaluating process. Moreover the volunteer will have the chance to create his/her own project. Examples for such projects which have been done by volunteers at our organisation are a game afternoon for kids, another volunteer designed a map with different games for children with pictures and explanations, another possibility is to organise an intercultural evening.

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês

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