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Data de início: 01-09-2016

Data de fim: 31-08-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 12 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 15-04-2016

Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 125 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: We have nice experiences of hosting volunteers at our place and we are willing to progress each year with the reception of a new young European volunteer. This project gives our structure enrichment in the cultural exchanges; other views about our way to work and brings new dynamic to the residents and employees of the association.

By integrating the animation and reception team the volunteer will contribute to realize the different activities. The objectives are the following: to support the meetings among the young people who stay at the youth hostel by creating a dynamic around the places of collective life, to promote the mobility of the young people, to make them sensible of the European dimension and to take part in the construction of Europe.

Moreover he/she will find his/her place in the daily routine and he will be able to bring his views and his competences for the implementation of these various activities with the animation team.

Perfil: We would like to welcome a volunteer with relational abilities, creative and dynamic, who would like to work in a team. We will prefer a really motivated person, interested into animation with young people from 17 to 30.

Tarefas: Several places and tools are available for the activities:
- The bar/cafeteria : is a space of meetings and exchanges for our public. The organizers and the volunteer ensure the management and the animation with the young people. Every month, there is a meeting where a committee of inhabitants thinks about, propose and decide which activities they would prefer. It is also a privileged place for the course of these activities. The presence of the volunteer will be able to support the intercultural exchanges and the implication of the young people in projects, activities, various means of expression.

- The multi-media room : Have functioned for two years and the volunteer will be able to seize this tool to initiate projects with the young people by the help of new technologies.

- Activity hall : The inhabitants of the Youth Hostel and the Foyer are able to enter and use a room equipped with lights and sound, which could be perfect for music shows, theatre, or cine club. The volunteer, depending on its abilities and interests, will be able to make her/his proposal or to follow an existing project.

- A touristic information area : for people welcomed in the Youth Hostel, but also for the inhabitants of the Foyer, has to be managed by the EVS. The new sight of the volunteer will also help to rediscover our touristic heritage. Moreover, participation in many different local events is scheduled: European day, Associations' meeting, informing about EVS. The volunteer will be an example of European mobility for the youth, the local collectivity and our different partners. We will encourage the volunteer to develop a personal project, based on his interests and skills and will provide all the support needed. The volunteer will work 5 days over 7, 35 hours a week, with 2 consecutive days off. Of course, a planning is discussed with the volunteer at its arrival, and can be modified, depending on the wishes of the volunteer. Missions gave to the EVS will depend on its own capacities and skills.

Horário: Example of a day :
Monday: 3h00pm to 4h30pm Contact with touristic partners, management of the documentation ; 4h00pm to 6h00pm Work on the projects ; 6h00pm to 7h00pm reception of new inhabitants ; 7h30pm to 10h00pm Animation at the bar

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês/Francês

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