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Data de início: 01-03-2017

Data de fim: 01-09-2017

Vagas: 1

Duração: 6 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-01-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The district (1,643 km2 and 182 thousand inhabitants) is functionally and physiographically distinct from the rest of the Region. It is surrounded by mountain ranges forming a natural barrier, separating it from the rest of the country, and creating a form of an enclave.The relatively small area boasts of an exceptionally large number of various riches. It is the largest conglomeration of renowned health resorts, the rock labyrinths of the Mountains, the wilderness Mountains, the famous sanctuaries, charming little towns situated in mountain dales, mountain strongholds, castle ruins, churches and caves. All of that is surrounded by a whole diversity of legends and stories of unusual charm, blending the influences of the various cultural values, as well as rich deposits of mineral waters, favours the development of the touristic, recreational and spa facilities. The five health resorts of the district, can receive over 12 thousand people at a time.

The catering facilities of various standards offer over 20 thousand places. Among the mostly visited spots in the district are the Mountains, the sanctuary, Cave, as well as the health resorts. The location of the office is in a small town. The town has around 15,000 inhabitants and is situated in the southern part of the district in Poland. The its location is picturesque and scenic, containing a history stretching back to the Middle Ages. The its future economy depends significantly on the development of tourism and its traditions. The district is located 85 kilometres away from Wroclaw, the biggest town in our region (with 700000 inhabitants) and located approximately 200 km away from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. There are very good railway and road connections from the town to the Czech Republic. The biggest problem of the city and the surrounding area is high and increasing unemployment, which currently stands at around 26 %. This results many economic and social concerns (e.g. lack of cultural life and youth facilities, lack of public transport, lack of eco-tourist facilities, etc.). There is a lack of youth facilities, giving birth to the necessity for more cultural and sports activities. There are many groups of young people and European Youth Clubs in the region, containing groups with interests in theatre, music, dancing, and sports. However it is critical that they have adequate support and options to further develop their interests, particularly on an international level. Similar future projects and extension of the European theme are vital to allowing the local community and the district to continue the balance and improve its social and economic infrastructure.

Perfil: The characteristics and skills the volunteer is expected to have:
- speaking English on a basic level (speaking a second language may also be useful but is not essential); there's a possibility to arrange language support for the volunteer if he/she has a desire to improve a language (volunteers often share their language skills) and there will be Polish lessons provided to help the volunteer communicate with local people.
- an ability to establish contact easily with children and young people
- creativity, flexibility, energy, enthusiasm, initiative, and the ability to be adapted to new environments
- good listening and communication skills
- interests in culture - music, art, languages, sport
- an ability to organise oneself and act independently

We cooperate with accredited organisations from EU and beyond, working with youngsters and including them into their activities.
The project will be visible in this database and the sending organisations, cooperating with EFM, will be informed about the vacancies. EFM will also pass the information about the project to the partner organisations.
The recruitment process will be held together with EFM, an external Contact point of the school.

Tarefas: The volunteer has an opportunity of taking part in a number of activities within our organisation, e.g.:
- assisting the English or German teachers during lessons, for example helping with pronunciation, conversations and preparing some materials;
- working with the young children as well as with teenagers and organising games and activities for them during and after classes;
- running after school clubs such as art club, drama club or sports club;
- participating in the monthly â€3Euroweek’ camps for young people from all over Poland and leading presentations at these camps on various subjects (EU, stereotypes, the volunteer’s country etc.);
- giving the country presentations to pupils from different schools in the area (including the schools that other volunteers work in)
- giving conversation classes to local youths and adults;
- helping to organise school discos (elements of decoration, dance and music from volunteers’ countries);
- cooperation with the student government (according to the schedule that will be prepared at the beginning of the school year);
- taking part in national holidays ( November 11th, May 3rd);
- helping to organise the European Festival;
- attending and helping to organise school ceremonies like Patrons’ Days, Run, ceremonial ending of class 3 of middle school and class 6 of primary school,middle schoolwarming; the first Day of Spring and Talent Show;
- attending a project: volunteer- student (students prepare information about important places, then they show volunteers around the town. The volunteers’ task is to prepare the presentation about what they saw);
- volunteers can be invited by students to their homes to see and then write how to prepare some Polish traditional dishes;
- running their work in a school newspaper or on a school website;
- joining day trips or going to the cinema;
- helping to prepare and working in a jury of the Contest of English Language for Primary Schools and Middle Schools of the Province;
- taking part in charity actions;
- helping in organising of students exchange with a school;
- taking part in art and sports classes (sculpture, working with clay, tennis, swimming, basketball, mediaeval dancing;
- taking part in Adventure Academy meetings;
- taking part and organisation of the (not)Foreign Language Day ( tongue twisters, sketches, songs, multimedia presentations);
- time for volunteers’ own work in a school library (teachers give topics for volunteers to prepare).

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês

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