Data de início: 01-10-2016
Data de fim: 01-10-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-05-2016
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is one of the most important environmental organization in Italy. It was born in 1980 thanks to the first experience of ecological informal that were raised in the middle 70'. With its 115.000 members, +1000 local organizations, +30.000 young students involved in environmental education activities. The host organization is spread all over Italy. Think Globally, Act Locally: we try to make people understand that it is by making local changes that we can create a better environment for everyone on a global scale. Scientific Environmentalism: every initiative to defence the environment is carried according to scientific data. Every time we say 'no' to something that may be environmentally hazardous, we suggest concrete alternative.
Perfil: Requirements needed are:
Motivation and interest in environmental/educational/youth topics
Availability for 12 months project
Willing to live together and share with other evs volunteers
Good proficiency in English language (both written and spoken)
Good command of Microsoft Office (powerpoint-excel-word) -Internet- Social network
Age: 17-30
Requirements desired (but not needed) are:
Knowledge of Italian language (basic level is ok)
Knowledge of specific software ( Adobe InDesign or Photoshop, Wordpress for Websites, GIS-GPS
Video/Photo editing
Selection of potential volunteers will be based on
Motivation Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Skype Interview that has to show interest and motivation for activities
Tarefas: The number of working hours per day may vary according to different period of the year.
The mean number of working time is 5-6 hours per day. During Summer, several engagements like summer camps for children, international workcamps, Rifugio Le cave hostelling will require a permanent stay up to 14 days in the place where those activities will occur.
During the week, except for summer period (especially june-july-september), 2 days will be provided to volunteers with previous accordance with the responsible of project. 2 days holiday every month will be also guaranteed with previous accordance with responsible of project. Days off and holidays are intended to be flexible and cumulative in accordance with volunteers.
Horário: → Environmental Education :
Every year the host organization runs out projects on environmental education for schools and citizenship. More then 50 students' classes (age 10-14 y.o.) will attend a course consisting in 2 seminars and a final workshop about ENERGY. EVS volunteers will support the staff of educators in specific tasks: preparing equipment for schools seminars, preparingpictures & presentations, support staff during the lessons, support students during activities and games on
energy. EVS volunteers will have also the opportunity to design and create their own personal activities,
according to their personal skills and knowledge and, eventually, will manage these activities using english
language (in order to make a language exchange in the classes where it's required by teachers).
1) Laboratories for young students on Animal and Biodiversity contents
2) Outdoor activities
4) Environmental Education in the provincial Natural Reserve
→ European and International Volunteering:
The host organization promotes among youngsters the opportunity of the new ERASMUS+ program as well as those ones related to international environmental workcamps ran out by the national department of Volunteerism.
EVS volunteers will be involved in the action related to:
1) Organization of at least 3-4 info-days/seminar during the year, on Erasmus+ opportunities for young
2) Organization of regular meetings on Erasmus+-Volunteering opportunities in the office
→ International Workcamps:
The host organization is one of the local group that hosts international workcamps in several structures of the Province. The workcamps are set-up thanks to the collaboration with local municipalities. EVS volunteers , after having gained experience of italian culture and the local communities.
2-3 EVS volunteers will attend a workcamp (usually 3 workcamps every summer) with the following task:
-working in natural areas and organize the work shifts of the participants,
-organize the shifts and the work related to clean and cook in the hosting structure.
-Planning free-time activities inside the local community or in the close town
→ Rifugio - is a mountain hut in the middle of natural reserve. From April to November Rifugio hosts tourists and trekkers as well
as families, students groups who want to eat or sleep inside a wonderful green area. Evs volunteers are
involved in hostelling and housekeeping activities giving their support to the staff. Mainactitivities of the Rifugio are:
cleaning rooms
preparing and washing linens
help in the kitchen (managing simple food items, clean&wash dishes, clean the kitchen)
preparing tables and deliver meals to hosts
preparing and collecting wood from the sorrounding hood
mantain the temperature of the heater
help costumers with their needs
The activities related to hosting tourist inside Rifugio will be mainly during the week-ends from April to mid November according to metereological conditions that has to be evaluated case by case.
Rifugio hosts also these activities where EVS volunteers will be involved:
1) Environmental Education projects: Young students together with their teachers can spend their stay in Rifugio and adding also some environmental education activities.
2) Hiking in Natural reserve
3) Summer Camps and Youth Exchange
→ Campaigns and Festivals
→ The Garden in the Theatre: the organization has had a very strong tradition in textile industry. In a small exindustrial
district close to city center raises a theater that was born by an old industry. . This is
one of the first up-cycling experiment involving theater and environment in town!
→ A climate for youngsters: A lot of young people and the surrounding places are not informedabout the most enviromental topics and problems of present days. In order to make possible an active citizenship through a direct involvement of local youngsters, the host organization will create a platform (physical and web) where young people will have the opportunity to exchange proposals and
ideas about their city and to develop possible strategies to improve their local environment.
→ At any time of the year EVS volunteers are encouraged to create new events, recreational activities (for example: photo/video exhibition, vernissage, photo marathon, seminars and so on ) to carry out in the office and/or Rifugio and/or in collaboration with other local associations that cooperate with us.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + carta de motivação em inglês