República Checa
Data de início: 06-09-2016
Data de fim: 07-07-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 10 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-08-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization as the non-profit non-governmental organisation aims at support of young people and also members of the local community of different ages and background.
Mission is to provide information mainly to children and young people, to ensure their right for information, to support sustainable lifelong learning and personal development, , meaningful leisure time, development of the international cooperation, volunteering, active involvement of children, young people and local community in the public happening, to support civic and ethic education, to support the community life and its development.
Special emphasis is put on the work with children and young people with the fewer opportunities. At the same time the seniors, parents with children and public are not forgotten. There are 6 main fields: Centre of non-formal education, information, volunteering, international cooperation, personal development and community development.Our target groups are children and young people from age of 3 till age of 30, adults, seniors and specific target groups ( e.g. unemployed, youth offenders). Regular activities: Youth information centre service, Leisure time clubs, Senior point service with the regular meetings of the Senior club, Traditional events, Exchange of experience, workshops, presentation, seminars, international trainings and meetings.
There is also large network of partners which the host organization belongs to (NGOs, schools, local and regional authorities, other institutions) implementing diverse spectrum of activities and events.The Host organization is very open and flexible for the actual and relevant needs of the target groups what is projected in every year plan
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteers will be involved, assist and get experience in following areas and activities:
1. operating of Youth Information Centre – information service, work on computers, European Information Network Eurodesk, Erasmus+, consultancy for young people, open club – possibility for children and young people spend their time in the centre with games, books, computers, just have a chat with friends, complementary services (sale of student and youth cards, internet, etc.)
2. Youth participation – coordination of a local Youth Parliament
3. Centre of non-formal education – workshops, seminars, debates, discussions, foreign languages conversation, multicultural activities – recognition of cultures – by music, films, food, education by sport and games, etc.
4. Leisure clubs – dance club, creative club, exchange of experience, etc. - various activities for everyone who want to enrich a leisure time, to learn something, to create something,
5. Senior Point - information, consultancy and activities for seniors, Senior club,
6. Intercultural activities organized in partnership with the kindergarten and primary schools in the region,
7. Traditional events and information campaigns - Dancing region, Anything for neighbourhood, European week of mobility, etc.) – taking place once a year, organisation, documentation.
8. Regional office of national networks - Eurodesk, Erasmus+, intercultural clubs and others.
9. Organisational and administrative tasks - minor tasks including getting to know administrative side of the NGO's work,
10. Space and support for the individual project.
All activities are focused on children and young people, development of their skills and knowledge, a youth motivation, a youth participation and their own activities, initiatives and projects. We support young people, give them opportunities, all necessary information and other resources which they need.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês