Data de início: 01-09-2016
Data de fim: 01-08-2017
Vagas: 2
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 02-02-2016
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 110 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is a day-care centre for 5 to 15 year old children and teenagers. It provides lunch, helps with the homework under academic supervision, leisure time activities in the field of sport, creativity/art, culture and fun. At the organisation various little or big projects, such as holiday camps are also organized. The Campus is a spacious area with garden, lots of green, hills and central island. The day-care centre has 10 rooms for all kinds of activities for children.
Special areas are the trampoline with 4 large nets, a skatepark, swimming pools, 2 big gardens with old trees, hills and playing corners and an indian bonfire place. We also have a story telling rail coach, a pottery, a pizza oven, a streetball ground, a Zen-garden, playground, beach volleyball court, football ground, willow tipees, amphitheatre as well as conference room and seminar rooms in the main house. The Island means day-care in a familiar surrounding but we also offer holiday programmes at midterm and in July/August.
Perfil: You should be patient and creative and you should like working with children.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Your tasks will be:
50%: play, sports and fun activities
20%: assistance to the children/youngsters to do their homework
20%: workshops dedicated to different topics
10%: running of the organisation & domestic economics (administration, helping in the kitchen, in
the restaurant.)
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês