Data de início: 01-09-2016
Data de fim: 18-08-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-07-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Center is searching for volunteers to take part in a one year project in Romania, starting in September 2016.The first part, the project will involve hospital animation activities and multicultural clubs developed in schools from the rural area.
In the second part of the service all the volunteers will be involved in organizing 2 public events
promoting volunteering within the National Volunteer Week, and will have the opportunity to develop and implement other personal initiatives.
The project has as main objective the personal development of the volunteers, including growth in areas such as communication skills, deeper understanding of the concept of mutual acceptance and tolerance, time management skills, planning and organizing events, team-work related skills, creativity, innovation etc.
At local community level, the project aims at enhancing the healing process of the children hospitalized in the local Children’s hospital by creating an environment that will support that, developing mutual understanding and tolerance among children living in multicultural communities and promoting volunteering as a way of community development.
Perfil: age: 17-30
Tarefas: 1. Developing a clinic animation programme in the local Children’s hospital
This activity will involve all the 6 volunteers of the project that will work in the hospital, mostly in the afternoon (from 13-17), in order to prevent their activities from interfering with the medical procedures that usually take place in the first part of the day.
The volunteers will work in different parts of the pediatric hospital. At the beginning of the project the volunteers will be trained in a few introductory notions about clinic animation by the staff of our organization but also by other local volunteers that have been working already in this field.
The specific daily activities in the hospital will require the active input of each volunteer since the EVS volunteers will be the main actors in choosing the activities, planning them, preparing all the materials and delivering them to the children. The volunteers will not substitute the medical staff or be involved in activities that are similar to the medical attention given by doctors or nurses, but will bring something new to what a hospital offers in Romania. They will prepare a series of educational and artistic activities such as: storytelling, English lessons (using the
2. Multicultural clubs in schools from rural area
Other opportunities of the volunteers to get active in the community include the possibility to be involved in three different rural schools, and facilitate multicultural clubs in each of these, in order to foster the growth in tolerance and understanding among children living in rural multicultural communities consisting of Romanians, Hungarians, and Rroma.
3. National Volunteer week
Starting with 2002, every spring is marked by the National Volunteer Week (SNV) organized by the Volunteers´ Centre. The event aims at promoting civic and social responsibility through concrete volunteering actions, volunteer fairs, and public events to support the value of volunteering in our community. The EVS volunteers will have the chance to propose, plan and organize 2 public events to include in the 2017 edition of the National Volunteer Week.
Other details:
The volunteers will work 4 days a week in the Children’s hospital and the multicultural clubs. One day per week the volunteers will work all together in our office, planning the upcoming week and preparing the needed materials.
In the second part of the service, volunteers will be involved also in planning the National Volunteer Week, delivering presentations about EVS and developing personal initiatives.
The total number of working hours for the volunteer every day is of 6 hours, including the Romanian language courses and other type of activities.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês