Data de início: 03-10-2016
Data de fim: 02-10-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 04-01-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 110 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: S/He will assist us in our work in the youth centers and will also participate in our mobile youth work programme - a kind of streetwork, if the German or English language is good). Another part of the job are different projects with focus on sports, education, creativity (mainly for girls) and culture topics. The volunteer will be able to make her/his own projects, bringing in his/her own talents.
In the first line s/he support the following work areas:
working in the youth cafe, working behind the bar, playing games with the youngsters, communicating and giving advice, street work (walking around the city meeting young people and talking to them informing about our work), helping to do some workshops. We show her/him our work, explain our work, our importances. S/He must ask for various details to get explained and show interest in the work to understand our work.
For more Information - see also the link to the detailed project description!!!
Perfil: We would like to invite people who enjoy and love the work with youngsters. Also the person should have fun to help in outdoor and sports activities or in our workshops. S/he should be open minded and interested in getting to know our organisation and work. Our work is sometimes easy. Anyhow, the volunteer should realize that it means work. Interest in social work, young people and youth culture and understanding to have other working hours as other jobs is very important! As the target group in our youth centres is between 10 and 20 years, we would prefer a person who is least 20 years old.
Tarefas: The volunteer will work five days a week, 34 hours a week including German course. S/he will have two days holidays per month.
S/He will assist us in our work in the youth centers and will also participate in our mobile youth work programme -a kind of streetwork, if the German or English language is good). Another part of the job are different projects with focus on sports, education, creativity (mainly for girls) and culture topics. The volunteer will be able to make her/his own projects, bringing in his/her own talents. It ist also possible to attend trainings and workshops regarding youth work where s/he can refine skills in social work.
In the first line s/he supports the following work areas:
working in the youth cafe, working behind the bar, playing games with the youngsters, communicating and giving advice, street work (walking around the city meeting youngpeople and talking to them informing about our work), helping to do some workshops We show her/him our work, explain our work, our importance’s. S/He must ask for various details to get explained and show interest in the work to understand our work. We explain her/
him our operations and the "why" and learn her/him the handling with youngsters.
Condições: The volunteer will live in an accommodation where also other volunteers live. It is organised by the host organisation. S/He will have a room with bathroom on her/his own and share a kitchen with other residents. The food money he/she gets always in the beginning of the month.
The infrastructure with trains and buses is easy, quick and frequent and s/he will probably also have a bicycle at her/his disposal. The volunteer will receive a ticket for free use of any public transport in the whole region during the complete EVS time.
Documentação: CV (incl. picture of you, date of birth,...) and motivation letter