Data de início: 01-09-2016
Data de fim: 01-09-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-02-2016
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Residential Home for the Elderly is legally recognized as an organisation for work with the elderly. The Residential Home offers 78 places in double and single rooms including 8 places for short term care. In addition there is a day care center for people in need of care from the region.
The care of the elderly in the Residential Home for the Elderly is performed on a holistic basis, which consider latest findings in the domain of nursery, medical and social care. The individual needs of the elderly are taken into consideration by full collaboration of relatives, physicians and nursing staff. Thereby basic care, therapy and social work complement one another.
The Residential Home for the Elderly is located in the Black-Forest village. The municipality was first mentioned in 1292 and today it has 900 inhabitants.
Today in the village there is a branch office of the municipality, a kindergarten, a fire brigade, a festival hall, a gocery shop and two bank offices. The local sports club, the local heritage association
To ensure regional mobility volunteers get a monthly ticket which is valid for all public transport associations of the administrative district
Perfil: Volunteers should have an interest in, and willingness to work with older and partly gerontopsychiatric disordered people. It's necessary for volunteers to be sociable and outgoing, to have enthusiasm, and to be open to foreign cultures. They should be able to interact well with groups of people, therefor a basic knowledge of german language would be helpful. An enthusiastic, responsible and flexible attitude towards the work is important. Volunteers should be willing to learn new skills and share own experince with others, be able to work as a team and contribute to the process and be open to new ideas and be flexible to work in a variety of settings.
Candidates should describe their motivation for a voluntary service in this project in a detailed motivation letter. Important are neither national or social background, gender, language skills nor level of education, but a convincingly motivation.
Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Highly qualified care and assistance for the Elderly guarantee a high quality of life. But life requires more: life needs mutual enriching interchange. Staff members and honorary as well as voluntary co-workers are working jointly to realize this aim. Volunteers add valuable contributions that enrich the life of the residents.
Assignment opportunities:
vist to residents
organising parlour games
slide shows and movie screening
singing and musicking
story telling and reading
assisted walking
These offers are extendible depending on the interests and abilities of voluntarily and honorary co-workers as well as the residents
What we offer:
attractive activities according to volunteers abilities and desires
solid adjustment to activities
professional supervision
further training
Voluntary and honorary co-workers are fully covered by health and liability insurance
Learning opportunities:
During their voluntary service in the Residential Home for the Elderly the volunteers will get non-formal qualifications as well as key qualifications in the areas of character-building and social and linguistic skills. They get to know different ways of life and learn to deal with people with disabilities, as well as with different themes. They learn how to work with elderly and partly gerontopsychiatric disordered persons and learn organisational structures of daily care for elderly people and how to find their place in it.
The volunteers are put into a team of employees and are treated as a fully-fledged team member. They learn how to get along with colleagues, bosses and roommates and to handle the sensibilities of intimacy and distance in the workplace.
The assignment of European Volunteers will not substitute a regular job in this project. The activities of a volunteer should expand and deepen the existing geriatric care facilities. The volunteer should enrich the geriatric care activities with new ideas and perspectives.
Tasks of Volunteers
Volunteers will work mainly in the geriatric day care of the residents .Volunteers will be actively involved in the development of the day program of occupational therapy. Volunteers could develop their own ideas for new games, activities or stories into a personal project if they so wished - creative ideas are always welcome. The remaining of volunteers time will be spent in helping with other aspects of work at the centre as well as planning activities and courses. The volunteer will also be required to attend team meetings to report and co-ordinate resources. Volunteers are expected to accomplish a fulltime voluntary service of 38-hours per week, overdoing ill be balanced by additional freetime.
The volunteer can take part in a language training for European Volunteers arranged by the coordinating organisation. The aim of the language training is the command of oral every day speech with a special focus on the terminology of social care. Through language training the volunteer should be enabled to manage typical situations of daily life they will be confronted with during their voluntary service.
Apart from language learning the language training serves as a weekly meeting for European Volunteers from several EVS projects situated in the region. Every month a day of studies will be organised vor the volunteers, where the volunteers can seek advise for their choice of occupations in future, meet counselors from universities and colleges, visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg, go on excursions, or take part in cultural events. The content of this program will be discussed by the group and participation is left up to the volunteers.
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + ficha de inscrição
Download: EVS-questionnaire.pdf