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Data de início: 05-02-2016

Data de fim: 05-11-2016

Vagas: 2

Duração: 9 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 01-01-2016

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: Enjoy excellent communications, creating an open village, enterprising and with economic diversity, although currently unable to escape from the effects of the crisis, although by this same situation is a moment to do redefinition some of its basics approaches, which is a dynamic opportunity. Being a village of the valley has a rich agriculture based on the geology of their soils and in the alluvial aquifers. Are exploited mainly cereals and olive groves. It explodes over all cereal and olive grove. However, it has been in the furniture industry the main source of wealth. We can say also, that it has a rich cultural fabric of formal and informal, with a wide range of interests and orientations, which gives a perception of dynamism.

Account with a public offer of leisure and free time activities more or less diverse, taking into account the specificities of the rural environment in which the municipality is not foreign, but that it makes up for it by its closeness to other populations of higher range.

Volunteers will live in the house of family, or in a rented flat with a single room for each one, with common kitchen and bathroom, you will be provided the basic utensils (washing machine, iron, cooking tools etc.). The flat is going to be near their place of work and will not have to use public transport. The volunteers will receive a monthly pocket money in cash for personal expenses, as well as its allocation for the maintenance.

During the first few days of arrival the mentor accompany to the volunteers in the following aspects:
• Explanation and walk guide by the municipality. We show them where they are and phone numbers of services such as: police, health center, judged, civil guard, etc. and we give them map of the village.
Visit to the most significant places:
- Health Center
- Secondary School
- Sports and cultural installations
- Shops, etc.
• Visit, with a presentation to volunteers of the business of the town, the furniture industry as an economic activity of the people in the village, etc.
Be agreed by an "Agreement of Coexistence", the basic guidelines for that coexistence is another tool in your own personal process within the volunteer experience. It is desirable to have European Insurance Health Card.
• Presentation of the Town Hall staff and others organizations.
The monitor / mentor is the link between the job and the volunteers. The role of mentor will be to keep track of volunteers, their integration and adaptation to the new environment. Periodically there will be a meeting between the mentor and volunteers for organizing tasks and review progress of experience, the level of integration of these and analyze the existence of difficulties. All this will help to develop a quality project that will ensure the integration of the volunteers and their activities are satisfactory.

Perfil: we need a volunteer for Culture or Service Social
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: What from the Town Hall(the entity itself, its staff, the general population and the youth in particular) we can offer to volunteers in terms of learning is to know and live the reality of plurality and richness of diversity in Europe by immersion in other forms of life, approach and participation to Spanish culture through the local expression of the same as well as training in social and civic skills by interacting with various groups.

In the participation in sports activities, volunteers will incorporate instrumental and operational skills oriented to the pedagogy of the game and sport (psychomotricity, basketball, indoor soccer, tennis, swimming, gymnastics of the rehabilitation and maintenance, etc.) at different groups, management of public resources and services as well as more oriented to the assumption of habits and healthy lifestyles.

In the participation in the activities developed by the area of youth, the volunteerswill learn and acquire the expertise of this group of the population. They will learn how work public resources aimed at this age group, how youth projects are developed, such asreports and advises young people, which are the concerns of young people, etc..

Through their participation in the Youth Area will acquire skills in the field of management of culture and cultural goods, organizing cultural and artistic events and dynamics of promotion of the culture in its various manifestations.

In the area of Social Affairs will have the possibility to incorporate tools of intervention with groups at risk of exclusion, strategies of mediation and accompaniment of difficulties, design and programming of intervention activities with different groups, marketing strategies and promotion of solidarity, etc.

With independence of the area in which they participate, volunteers will be in direct contact with the population which will allow them to work with different sectors of the population as well as the design and development of various programmes and activities, which will lead to increase concepts and powers of volunteers.

By carrying out the above described programming we achieve: involvement and participation of young people, modifying certain behaviors and habits acquired to improve their lives.
The role of volunteers as we mentioned in the organization shall be to partner with the person responsible for each of the areas described person or organization to whom it delegates. Volunteers participating in the project, will have 35 hours per week of activity directly related to the incorporation of the skills and abilities listed above, be distributed this time in work directly related to specific activities or other area of complementary nature (linguistic training, formal training in certain areas, etc.) volunteer in their disciplines.

The activities in which the volunteers will participate and the activities that may create are: (example)
 In the morning, during the first month of development of the volunteer programmes will evaluate the possibility of dedicating, from Monday to Friday, 2 hours of immersion in the Spanish language and culture.
 In the evenings from Monday to Friday volunteers will be doing activities that are proposed by the technicians of the areas they are going to collaborate. At first they will have the support of such technical and when fully accustomed subsequently be offered new perspectives and freedom to propose activities that our users can also benefit. (5 hours).
 On weekends, in principle, volunteers will be employed also in collaborations being requested to loose hours as required his presence in their usual volunteer centers (especially Saturdays except for some activity further, if so will be compensated and we will give them free hours a week to volunteer to rest, to not exceeding 35 hours per week). If they will work full time on a Saturday, this will be compensated as two days off next week.
- Sundays will be free to the volunteer, providing if they wanted to visit the provincial capital and other nearby towns.
• Area of Sports Activities.
From Monday to Friday from 17 `00-22`00 h. The activities will take place in the existing sports facilities in the town (mark at the school, institute, sports facilities, etc.)

Condições: 1

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês/espanhol

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