Data de início: 29-02-2016
Data de fim: 01-11-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-01-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization was founded in 1989 to fight against the increasing number of landfills in our region, starting to promote recycling. The main aims are: environmental education for children of kinder garden, primary and secondary school, upkeep of cycling and pedestrian paths in important natural and historical areas. The centre, opens every day on demand, is equipped with plastic models, maps, naturalistic elements and a small museum with remains of the first world war in order to explain the geological and historical evolution of our region.
Since 2010 we are organizing and managing a summer school for children focused on environment. In this summer school course, we taught children the importance of nature and healthy environment. Since 2009 the host organization has been hosting national and international volunteers of work camps in the summer and volunteers of the European Voluntary Service during the rest of the year, thus creating a network of cooperation for the promotion and preservation of natural sites and spread abroad of the ideas and values. Since the beginning of the association we have also been organising guided tours for local knowledge, creative workshops, animated readings, book presentations, concerts, international dinners with EVS volunteers, recycle and upcycle festivals, courses with different themes (from geology to regional history, from herbal remedies to language courses thanks to EVS volunteers ...).The staff meets once a month to organise the future activities. Every year one young Italian person joins our group as a volunteer of national civil service to teach also to young Italians about the importance of volunteering and environment.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: Volunteers will have many and different learning opportunities, defined specifically on the basis of their interests and particular projects in which they will be involved. In any case, during all the activities, in addition to learn Italian language and culture, volunteers will have the opportunity to acquire skills and competences in terms of self-awareness and personal growth, analysis of inter cultural themes, the opportunity to acquire skills of research and collaboration useful to their development and future careers, to develop a moral responsibility for the environment and for the global issues related to energetic resources and sustainable lifestyles.
At the beginning of the EVS, volunteers will follow a specific training to learn about the association, its specific activities, to make them able to develop their own ideas in a later time. Volunteers will be involved in supporting the association staff for the design and management of some campaigns, workshops and local initiatives.
The main activities are:
- UPKEEP and IMPROVEMENT of 33 hectares of source water area and 4 km of trail created by the association), the path almost 2 km of path created by the association, which runs along the river and the hill: mowing, paths and fences maintenance, garbage collection, monitoring panels and signals, recover from the floods, etc ...
- PROMOTION of the TERRITORY: educational activities through boards, panels and advertising and promotional multilingual information.
- MANAGEMENT of the INFO-POINT and the AREA: visitors reception and procuring information about walks, association, activities, maps and publications.
- WORKCAMPS: organization and participation in the national and international work camps
- ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS: assistance during workshops and lectures held by experts of the association.
- GUIDED TOURS: assistance during guided tours for students and adults.
- PUBLIC EVENTS AND INITIATIVES: creative and practical assistance in the organization of events, new proposals.
- INFORMATIVE STANDS AND COLLABORATION WITH OTHER ASSOCIATIONS: participation in the events of other organizations, dissemination of the association values and EVS project.
LANGUAGE COURSES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS: volunteers can propose courses of their native language.
Volunteers will be able to acquire knowledge and skills on the most important environmental issues. In addition, each different project will allow volunteers to develop different abilities and skills, such as the research skill, the ability to communicate in public in their own language as well as in foreign languages (such as English and the Italian), media management and communication in the various campaigns, naturalistic and botanic knowledge, use of tools necessary for practical work, notions of history and art as well as methods of cultural heritage management, interpersonal skills, environmental education.
After the first period of intensive cultural and linguistic training, volunteers will dedicate each week 4 hours to their personal projects, 4 hours to the maintenance of the CEA and of the naturalistic areas, 4 hours to language training, 20 hours to educational activities and 3 hours to plan the activities and make the assessment of the week with the mentor for a total of 35 hours per week. They will have two free days per week (usually Saturdays and Sundays). In case of events of the association the time table can change with the volunteers' agreement and some of the hours dedicated to children's activities will be used for the preparation of the event.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês