Data de início: 14-02-2016
Data de fim: 16-03-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 1 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-02-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The goal of the centre is to promote the region’s youth initiatives, their participation in decision making and social life. The main activities are youth free time, youth awareness and participation, non-formal education, intercultural communication and volunteering. Youth participate in break-dance lessons, graffiti, decoupage and other workshops, have discussions about questions they are interested in, organize movie nights and tournaments of table games and brain games, make movies by themselves, organize and participate in local cultural and sport events, participate in international youth camps and youth exchanges. Youth Centre works with children aged 8 – 12 and young people aged 13 – 25 who live in rural area, have fewer opportunities and are in view of police, who go to school unwillingly and unemployed young people. To achieve the goal and develop its activities, Youth Centre takes part in various projects, organizes and takes part in different activities. In youth centre there are working one professional specialist on youth affairs, who is responsible for running the centre, planning and implementing different projects, supervising everyday’s activities and etc. Also there are local volunteers, who help to look after youth centre, organize practicalities and organize some activities for children and youth.
Perfil: age: 17-30
Tarefas: - The Talent show. The main task for the volunteers will be the planning, organizing and realizing the Talent show. The Talent show is the event which the youth centre already made last winter. It was made by long term EVS volunteers. The event was very successful, so we decided to make it next year and make it more international with the help of short term EVS volunteers. There will be some tasks of each volunteer – making the programme, decoration, going to the stage and show their own talents and document the event.
- Workshops and fun activities with local children and youth. Each day in the youth centre there are coming lots of local children and youth who is interested to participate in different workshops (crafts and arts, etc.) and activities (common table and sports games, team building activities, etc.) and have fun. The volunteers should plan afternoon with activities for local youth.
- International evenings. In the month of the project there will be planned national evenings for each country. The volunteers will be responsible to plan their own national evenings and present their cultures to local youth.
- Visiting local kindergarten and youth centre.To spread the information about the project and to involve more youth and children, there will be some activities made by volunteers in some others institutions of municipality.
- Movie. Whole month of the project will be documented in photos and videos. In the end of the project volunteers should make a movie about their month of volunteering in the County.
-Place for your own initiatives. The Youth centre will be always happy to see some new ideas and initiatives from the volunteers. There will be free space for planning activities they want in the frames or the project’s programme.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês