Data de início: 01-10-2016
Data de fim: 01-09-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 14-09-2016
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 115 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The project takes place in Italy, the general aim of the project is that of enforce, valorize and develop the
voluntary service meant as motor of the sustainability. The EVS project will involve 4 volunteers coming from different
countries (1 from Spain, 1 from France, 1 from Poland and 1 from Portugal), who will be inserted for 11 months, from
september 2016 to august 2017, in the context of the organization work. The volunteers involved
working closely to the staff and they will have the opportunity to learn according with the methodology of the
“learning by doing”.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteer, according to his skills, helps the staff in the organization of seminary, workshops and
cultural events through non formal educational methods in the neighbourhood, one of the few examples of the
ancient and traditional practice of building in earth or ‘cob’ in Italy. The organization is located in an ancient village made of traditional earth buildings on the outskirts of the city. Some houses are managed by the organization: some of them are apartments for residential use used for EVS accommodation, the others are used like museum of the technical research and practical/professional training in the field of earth construction and associated traditional building methods.
During the first two months the volunteers will spend some time to know the association, museum, and all the projects the members are working for. The volunteers will participate to the activities of the association in order to learn by doing (very important are the practical activities during this period of the project) and to relate to the other members of the staff. The volunteers will gradually get to know other associations and cooperative companies which work for cultural and social activities in the hamlet and they will have the chance to see how active citizenship works.
From the third month on, the volunteers will freely and independently experience the whole of the projects they are
involved in, as working for the organization. The activities are composed of:
- support work for the creation of outdoor activities, games, and the construction of recycled material objects with disabled people.
- Organisation of children laboratories in the classroom of the land museum. - Support work for the organisation of artistic restoration laboratories or for the use of recycled items in the park where the centre of environmental education is settled.
- Support work for the management of a biological vegetable garden in the town park. This kind of activity will be managed by a member of the organization and agricultural agent, who will teach the volunteers agricultural techniques. The volunteers will irrigate, sow and harvest led by the agricultural agent.
- Support work for the organization of the sowing and harvest Fests. Very important events to make the citizens understand the essential of the auto production and the short distribution chain. These two events will take place in a park where the citizens will have the chance to taste the vegetables produced and to see the vegetable garden itself.
- Preparation of some lessons of environmental
education in their own language, which they will give a lecture of in some of the schools.
- Management of a blog and different social network in which they will show the activities of the association and the development of the projects in the museum is involved in. - In the final part of the project each volunteer will have the opportunity to develop his own personal project, contributing with their ideas and experiences to improve the activities. This project will grow proportionally throughout the months, during which, the volunteers will enjoy a language training to facilitate the communication inside and outside of the organization.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês