Data de início: 28-09-2015
Data de fim: 30-06-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 30-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 85 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The Association has been hosting volunteers since 2003. We are a sending, hosting and coordinating organization for EVS projects Poland. As every year, we are waiting for young people willing to work with us in activities like: working with children and young people, taking part in various tasks as preparing workshops and events, teaching languages, making presentations about importance of non-formal education.
The project will start with a 2 months preparation, which contains activities for the whole group of volunteers. During this time our objective is to build a strong team, to teach basics of Polish and to help volunteers adjusting to their new lives in Szczecin. In the meanwhile volunteers will also help with planning and organizing artistic and therapeutic summer workshops for kids. Those summer activities will help the volunteers to develop social competencies and encourage them to become more active.
Perfil: age:17-30
The ideal candidate has good communication skills, can handle and solve problems and has a ready-to-action approach. Our association is open and counting on volunteers’ initiative and creativity. Our main goal is to collect ideas and make them real
Tarefas: With the end of the 2 months preparation volunteers will finally start working in the chosen area. There are two possibilities of activities.
OPTION 1: is strictly related to our organization’s work. The volunteer’s responsibilities are:
• Supporting Regional Volunteer Centre and helping to organize rallies, trips for volunteers, participating in the events, helping to organize workshops for volunteers and kids from our projects;
• Updating association website, Facebook page, blog etc.;
• Helping to organize meetings for Language Tandem Meetings;
• Promoting the idea of European Voluntary Service by helping and organizing meetings with potential European volunteers, their parents, teachers, etc. Writing reports from those meetings and posting them on the website and Facebook page;
• The volunteer will also have the possibility to organize courses of their native language (or any language he/she knows and wants to teach), workshops, cultural events for the community;
• Working as a volunteer at our office is followed with the option to take part in two programs that help kids in their everyday life:
1. Big Brother Big Sister – the volunteer will become an amazing Big Brother/Sister for a Polish kid, spending time together once or twice per week.
2. Emergency Teaching – the volunteer will help children/teenagers with their education difficulties.
OPTION 2: is related to kindergarden:
The volunteer’s activities are:
• to work in the kindergarden, which includes helping kids with everyday activities, playing with them, organizing events and parties related to Polish holidays;
• to organize cultural events for kids and their parents;
• to build a strong relationship with all the kids, teachers and stuff working in the kindergarden;
• to learn Polish and teaching kids national language of the volunteer;
• to prepare theme parties (for example: The Pirates Party, The Superheroes Party etc.).
If the volunteer has any other idea and wants to prepare something for the kids, their parents, teachers – it’s possible and EVS coordinators and mentors would love to help and be a part of it.
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês