Data de início: 02-09-2015
Data de fim: 19-07-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 11 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 21-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The volunteer will work in our organization which is located in the vibrant city centre.
The city is the main administrative, economic, scientific and cultural centre of Moldova. The city has just over 700,000 inhabitants and the whole metropolitan area is roughly one million inhabitants. In terms of number of inhabitants, the city is the largest city of the country.
The city is divided in five administrative sectors. It is often referred to as the greenest city in Europe due to the high proportion of well maintained green spaces.
Our team consist of full time staff and part time staff, also we have local volunteers who are helping the team in daily life. The working languages are English, Romanian and Russian. Working time is flexible and consists of an average of 8 working hours per day from Monday to Friday. The volunteer will be placed in an independent living arrangement possibly together with other volunteers. Volunteer will be supervised by administrator and EVS contact point and working directly and indirectly with most of our team. The mentor will be out of the organization.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The volunteer will work hand in hand with the staff in a variety of activities related to the daily tasks of the office. This implies the following service and learning opportunities for the volunteer:
- The volunteer will be trained and will work on programmatic and administrative issues linked to international youth exchange and voluntary service programmes such as: public relations, quality assurance, project management, financial management, networking and partnership building, etc The volunteer's learning process in the above fields will be supported by on-the-job training whenever needed, structured and informal discussions as well as weekly and monthly planning and sum-up meetings.
-The volunteer from time to time also will be directly involved in the preparation and implementation of international and European meetings as co-facilitator (i.e.
seminars or training courses) funding from other sources then Erasmus Plus. This will enable her/him to get a hands-on experience in the running of international youth activities.
The volunteer's learning and service experience will be documented and get recognition by making use of the Youth Pass tool and issuing a certificate at the end of the service.
The concrete learning outcome for the volunteer will be:
- to get to know and understand the dynamics of different cultures, by discovering different life styles and opinions.
- To know herself/himself better, as she will be confronted with new situations
- To negotiate in different contexts and with people from different cultures / backgrounds
- To be independent and autonomous in a different context other than her home country/local environment
- experience team work and participant centred working methods
- taking leadership in groups
- to communicate in a foreign language and in a foreign context
- to recognize that tolerance, flexibility and patience are key elements in bringing about intercultural understanding The role of EVS volunteers in the Host Organisation:
The staff consists of full time, part-time employees, local volunteers and 2-3 international volunteers. The EVS volunteer will be one of these volunteers.
The supportive role of the volunteer will be complemented with the provision of spaces in which s/he will be encouraged to take initiative in organising tasks and making suggestions for new activities.
Furthermore the volunteer will be invited to attend events organised by the host organization organisation and it's partner organisations, around topics related to the situation of youth in Europe, volunteering and NGO's matters, current national/international social and cultural issues.
The long term volunteer will support and assist the staff in the following activities:
• planning, preparation and carrying out of international seminars and training courses • internet research on youth and voluntary service issues; • creating and updating the Homepage • gathering articles and edition of a newsletter; • assistance in the development of posters and information sheets. Here the creative support of the volunteers is asked; • supporting organization of the thematic meetings for local volunteers and mentors; • general office tasks (Filing and archiving, data entry, database maintenance and etc) • helping the hosting projects of the organization in their daily tasks • proposing individual project.
• any other ad-hoc tasks as determined by the staff
The organization also hosts short term volunteers in the office.
The tasks for the short term volunteers do not differ much from the proposed one for the long term, although it will be based on the individual project.
Volunteer will not substitute any of the staff members and act as a support person.
The volunteer tasks will be revised upon volunteer arrival according to the current activities of the organization and motivation and abilities of the volunteer.
For better integration in local community volunteer will be also proposed to spend 1 day a week in social project
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês