Data de início: 09-09-2015
Data de fim: 06-03-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 6 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 24-08-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The organization is situated in a town with a great historical significance because here took place a major battle during the First World War. The Battle is mentioned in all history schoolbooks and it describes how bravely the Romanian soldiers fought to defend their country.
The Mausoleum, one of the most important memorial sites in Europe, was built in the place where, in the summer of 1917, great battles were fought between Germany and Romania. The battles ended with the Romanian victory, but its losses were heavy: 480 officers and 21.000 soldiers. In the Mausoleum are buried the remains of of 5073 soldiers and officers in 154 individual crypts and 9 common tombs.
So, the place for the project is a historical place and the volunteers will be in contact with wonderful people, they will have the chance to learn the language, the local customs, which will certainly make an impression on the volunteers.
That's why we want to establish contact between host volunteers and local youth and their families; in this way, the project “Be their Hero”, which aims at social integration of individuals with fewer opportunities, would have as a result an inter-cultural exchange as well as an intergenerational exchange.
Perfil: - 18 -30 yers old
- active, communicative, smiley, dynamic
- eager to spend time outdoors
- enthusiastic about children and patient in working with them
- having basic knowledge of English
- motivated by this project and able to attend the full duration of the project.
Tarefas: The project activities will be: leisure activities, hand-made activities, sports activities, English knowledge transfer, using nonformal education methods.
The project activities will be held four days a week in 3 elementary and middle schools and in the social centers and 1 day a week at The School Centre for Inclusive Education.
In the first two weeks from the arrival of the volunteers they will take part in a training period, provided by skilled personnel within our organisation, in order for them to become acquainted with the the target group that they will work with: children with disabilities in the School Centre , children from social centers and Roma children who study alongside the other children in the 3 schools from our town. Also, in these two weeks they will visit all locations where we will operate and organize round tables with each institution staff, during which volunteers will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about ways to approach these children and how to work with them.
Volunteers will be involved in educational activities performed daily in each school and they will attend meetings in each institution where they can participate with their own ideas of activities.
The 4 volunteers will play an active role in the preparation and implementation of the activities, without substituting the existing staff.
The activities shall not be repeated, the volunteers having the opportunity to establish daily, according to their interests, the learning objectives of the activities.
Activities will not have any risk in their implementation and will provide learning opportunities for both volunteers and teachers and children involved.
All the activities will be conducted by volunteers in the presence of teachers or social educators, thereby the learning objectives of the activities will be trilateral, for the children who are the direct beneficiaries of the learning activities, for the volunteers involved and also for the teachers who will facilitate the activities with the volunteers.
The volunteers will promote non-formal learning methods through creative activities and sports, knowing that such activities are a great success among children. Therefore, we believe that in this way we will achieve the central objective of the project, to promote nonformal education methods among teachers from each institution involved in this project and not only.
The volunteers will have a major contribution to the project, they will direct the nonformal and sports activities in such a way as to send a message to the community. The volunteers will have the opportunity to test their time management skills, their team coordination skills, they will learn what it means to bring a change in the environment where they live and they will also develop the European and intercultural dimension.
In schools, the activities will take place mainly during the Art classes, Handicraft classes, technological education classes, English and sport classes.
In the School Centre for Inclusive Education and in the social centers, these activities will take place during the socializing and leisure time hours.
During the winter holiday and during the holiday between the semesters (total of 3 weeks) it will take place the activity called "Workshops without borders" where children together with volunteer teachers from the schools involved will continue the project activities. This is necessary during winter holidays (December – 2 weeks) and during the 1-week holiday between the 2 semesters (in February) when most of these children are often unsupervised.
At the end of the volunteers’ stage all handmade activities will result in an exhibition of works made by EVS volunteers together with the children participating in the project, exhibition that will run at the House of Culture Focsani; the theme of the exhibition will be "Happy childhood" and it will be held in December.
Sports activities will result in an event called "The Olympics of Diversity" which will take place in February 2016 and will bring together children with disabilities, children from social centers and other children from community.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de motivação em Inglês