Data de início: 01-12-2015
Data de fim: 01-07-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 7 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-11-2015
Financiamento: Aprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 60 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: Association was founded based on a solid volunteering experience of the founding members. Since the very beginning, all activities have addressed children and young people, reaching out to these target groups through the development of various programmes meant to empower and motivate them. Among these we emphasize seminars held twice a month, workshops, camps, trainings, charity events, involvement in different social cases and in their resolution, etc.
Perfil: Age: 17-30
Tarefas: The Association aims to design a broader scope of work regarding the precise volunteering activities that may be performed together with EVS volunteers in compliance with the future Erasmus programmme. We draw attention here below to only a few volunteering activities that we are planning to develop in the near future, emphasizing just part of the projects which could be accomplished together with the EVS volunteers:
- supporting the Association’s staff in their relationship with European partners, as well as working in mixed teams during the projects, having multiple interactions with the hosting community
- supporting the Association’s staff in the activities initiated at local level, such as promoting school gatherings and taking part in promotional activities on streets and in various other public places
- getting actively involved in different promoting sessions (creating flyers, posters etc.), in campaigns to inform the local communities about the Association’s international projects and about Youth in Action, stimulating their own initiative at the same time
- supporting the Association’s staff as well as planning new tasks in order to successfully carry out the projects for beneficiaries that the organization is already working together with but with other entities as well; preparing all required materials for the workshops
- having personal initiative and coming up with new ideas regarding activities which can be organized at local level and not only
- organizing intercultural events as well as taking part in social activities targeted at the involvement of the youth in the local communities in order to make an exchange of good practices in certain fields of activity
- participating in research activities regarding the local community whose main goals are the social surveys conducted by the Association in order to have a better understanding of the target groups it addresses
- taking part in blog editing, in the making of newsletters, flyers, posters, written articles as well as in photographying in order to immortalize all activities carried out by them during the projects
- initiating, supporting and participating in the development and performing of various educational activities through art/creative workshops, games, sports, educational and informative workshops (regarding personal hygiene and keeping the household and the workplace clean, regarding Children’s Rights and the accountability of the youth, regarding foreign languages courses for children and young people etc.)
- EVS volunteers will benefit from relevant experience which will offer them the chance to learn, to see things from different perspectives, to practice and gain new abilities that will be very useful in their development as young adults
- EVS volunteers will have the opportunity to plan projects based on their own ideas, to get involved in the preparation stage and, in case their project is approved they will be encouraged to draft the report as well as the follow-up plan
- EVS volunteers will be involved in the planning and implementation of certain projects whose main goal would be to raise awareness of European issues and intercultural dialogue
EVS volunteers will take part in the organization of public events which are meant to promote the European core values: nonviolence, social inclusion through the tolerance and acceptance of differences, multicultural society etc.
- EVS volunteers will participate in different seminars and leisure activities as well as in various creative activities held in the local community
- EVS volunteers will learn new techniques and working skills which will help them to easily integrate into a team; they will be encouraged to share their previous experience, knowledge, working techniques used during the activities with the children etc.
- EVS volunteers will be actively involved in the Association’s meetings with the local public authorities and partners, thus being able to get directly in touch with the needs of the community where the Association is operating; this will allow volunteers to work closely with the Association and its partners in order to develop various projects and activities whose main goal would be to improve the standards of living of their beneficiaries
- EVS volunteers will have the opportunity to become familiar with our culture and to learn Romanian language; Romanian language courses will be taught by a Romanian language teacher, once a week for 2 hours, during the volunteers’ entire stay in Romania and according to each volunteer’s needs
- Together with the members of the Association and other volunteers, EVS volunteers will get the chance to initiate and coordinate campaigns against sexual abuse, drug consumption, dropout etc.
- EVS volunteers will meet the youth in the local community in order to talk about their experience as volunteers in their native country as well as in Romania, as an attempt to encourage young people in Romania to get involved in similar activities, thus EVS volunteers becoming role models through the power of their own example
- EVS volunteers will be involved in the planning and preparation of the activities held within the youth programmes, such as summer camps, charity actions etc. which will be organized by the Association
- EVS volunteers will get the chance to work closely with experienced people, specialized in the planning and preparation of the activities they will undertake
- besides all indicated examples, EVS volunteers will have the freedom to get engaged in various other activities, according to their own will; the Association will encourage new initiatives, being always open to new ideas and providing a favourable environment for the volunteers’ personal development and growth during their stay in Romania.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em inglês