Data de início: 01-06-2015
Data de fim: 01-03-2016
Vagas: 1
Duração: 9 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 15-05-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The host organization is a federation of youth associations as a meeting point not only for the youth associations of the city, but also for non-formal groups of young people and associations and collectives which, independently of their age and their way of expressing themselves, form part of the association movement.
During these years of operating, the organization has been developing, through different agreements, especially through the establishments with the town hall, and other financial resources, activities and services which are oriented on the one hand on promoting the associationalism and the youth participation in the political, social and cultural life of the city, through initiatives of consulting, formation and intervention, and on the other hand on responding to the problems which affect the young people through publishing, proposals, services, programs and political impact strategies.
At this time the Conseyu is formed by 25 youth associations which, through their General Assembly, the biggest organ of the entity, chose their Permanent Commission, a collegial conductorship which is the commissary of the development of the management and leading of the activities and interventions in different ambits.
The organization is an independent entity of the Administration or any other public or private organ, and his main objective is to contribute to the maintenance of a strong and stable associations’ and citizens’ movement, which works in a cooperative and coordinative way, and whose model of participation is based on the ideas of tolerance, equality, democracy and social transformation. An associations’ and citizens’ movement in which the youth collectives play a determinant role, which does not only bring in future perspectives but also assures the permanent regeneration of the participation structures of the city.
With this working perspective, the organization works concentrated on the coordination, the consulting, the mediation, the intervention and the formation, strengthening the communication between the different agents which build the association movement and between those and the unity of the citizenship.
The organization develops as well the role as an interlocutor of the youth in front of the town hall, the princedom and other institutions, letting the different organs know about the problems of the young people and particularly protecting their rights and interests. In this sense, it participates in advisory organs such as the Principal Council of the Institute of Youth or the Municipality Councils of Environment, Consume, Incapacity, Language, Addictions, or the Social Council of the City. It also forms part of the Administration Council of the Municipal Company of Housing.
Perfil: age: 17-30
Tarefas: Usually the volunteer works in the morning, and two days in the evening. Sometimes the volunteer will have to work at the weekend for special activities.
If there are activities at the weekend the volunteer will be compensated with extra days-off for his participation in these activities.
In the following there are some examples for typical activities of European volunteers:
• Collaborate to the European Information Service for young: attention to young people searching information about European programs and help the responsible of European Programs to train Spanish youngsters who want to participate in EVS, collaborate on monthly meetings about EVS. Work with the responsible of the service, or young people to prepare the exchanges or other projects about Erasmus +.
• Support the Youth Information Point: helping the responsible persons to find information, actualizing the information point, answering questions of young people, searching for information that the volunteer think could be interesting.
• Contact with youth associations. Visit the youth associations in the town. The volunteer could spend a part of his working time in a youth association of her interest making small volunteering.
• Collaboration in the Program of “Participation” in the secondary schools. It’s a program to promote the participation and associations in schools. The volunteers participate in the program with the other volunteers. They will participate in the meetings for planning the activities, sessions and documents for the project as well as in the sessions at schools.
• Organize the informal conversations groups in English and in German, two afternoons a week.
• Collaboration in the Program “Mediation in health with youth” in the secondary schools. It’s a program to promote mediation in the field of health between equal at schools. The volunteers participate in the program with the other volunteers. They will participate in the meetings for planning the activities, sessions and documents for the project as well as in the sessions at schools.
• Participation in punctual activities of the Conseyu: White Night, information tables, workshops…
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês/Espanhol