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Data de início: 01-09-2015

Data de fim: 25-10-2015

Vagas: 2

Duração: 2 mes(es)

Data limite de candidatura: 31-05-2015

Financiamento: Aprovado

Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 95 €

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.

Resumo: The host organization is a historical, cultural and educational centre, counting 150 thousand inhabitants. The atmosphere and the infrastructure of the city makes it attractive to lot of young people from Europe and all over the World. It is close to the Balkans, and includes lot of minorities and different cultures coming from this fact.
The main employer in the city is the administration, social services and the education. The employement rate is high, however it is considered as a livable city.
The host placement is a kindergarten that has its own rules, especially serving the safety and health of the children. Therefore, the volunteers who will come to this host placement will have to accept these rules that also include their limited responsibilities in their tasks. They will be prepared for these rules at the beginning of their service.
Proposed activities for EVS volunteers

Service: Young people can serve the local community and its most vulnerable members; the children. Through their service they can represent their own culture, and raise the awareness of the workers, the kids and their parents about the different cultures, customs of Europe.

Perfil: We are looking for reliable young people, who like little children and can take the responsibility of working with them. Since in the coordinating and the host organisation we speak different languages, we can accept volunteers from all over Europe, but we want the volunteers wanting to learn Hungarian.
If the volunteers have experience in environmental education, or drama that is a plus.
We except our sending partners to provide proper preparation of the volunteers. That is the only requirement for our partners.
Age: 17-30

Tarefas: - helping the children in dressing up and down
- helping the children in eating
- play with the children
- we work with a lot of drama instruments, where they will also be involved
- create material for activities
- helping in organising special celebrations, adding special parts connected to the volunteers culture
- taking part in the organisation of special events for the parents.

Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês

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