Data de início: 05-03-2016
Data de fim: 04-11-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-01-2016
Financiamento: Reprovado
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The organization is located in a small town that has the same name. The population in this town is about 2400, nearest bigger town with 10 000 people. The nearest city is in about 45 km., with population of ~100 000 inhabitants.
Volunteers will work in the organization (where we also have visitor center, exhibition about park and conference hall), there are all conditions to create an individual workspace there, they‘ll also be able to do some activities outside the main place: together with our specialists or on their own.
The village and its surroundings is considered to be a good place for vacation: we have two lakes in the town itself and more of them in our territory, most of them are suitable for tourism; town is surrounded by forests. Not so far away from the village (in about 10 km.) flows river.
On the other hand, there are not many young people in the village and we have no active night-life. Life gets more active in summer. There are also some bigger and smaller shops, so food, pharmaceuticals and other main necessities are easy to find. We also have local dispensary (not hospital), post and police offices, school, library, christian church. It is possible to reach other locations using bus services.
It is very important to understand the specifics of a small town: there is no place in the village where a person can go to spend an evening (like pub or club), it is very quiet here. If a volunteer will have a wish to visit such places, he‘ll have to go to Kelme or Šiauliai. Of course, it is possible to organize your own activities, but a volunteer has to have on his mind that most of the people living in the village are elderly or families with school-age kids (age cap is 18-19 years). Most of the time being here will be calm. It is good for people who like to think, read, have such hobbies as jogging, nature photography or more unusual hobbies that does not require specific places or people (e.g. like fire spinning or anything that comes in mind of potential volunteer who thinks about what he could do on his own in such place).
Town is not big and all corners are reachable by foot.
Perfil: Age between 17 and 30 years old
Tarefas: Volunteer will be introduced with activities hat are being carried in the organization. That includes a wide range of activities:
• nature (various monitorings of plants birds, landscape; specific tasks like research of water quality etc... these activities are made depending on need and not every day, but – depending on its nature – at least once a year);
• culture (cultural heritage like fortress hills, burial mounds; churches and chapels; communication with older people, gathering stories and legends, songs etc....);
• community (collaboration with local communities, schools, municipality and other institutions; mutual events, eco-education etc....);
• tourism (work with tourist groups, guided tours, provision of infirmation etc....);
• projects (now we’re working on an international - project Lakes for future, we’re going to participate in various local and international projects in future too);
• other activities (communication with other national and regional parks; preparations of various brochures for publishing, physical work (maintaining the park territory, our visitor center etc....)
Almost all activities are seasonal, that means that a volunteer will do more tourism-related activities on tourism season (May-September), school-related activites on learning season (September-June) and so on.
A volunteer will be threated as an equal team member, he’ll have specific tasks and assignments. Depending on situation, volunteer can be an assistant or organizer, executor or idea generator.
Condições: 1
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês