Data de início: 05-03-2016
Data de fim: 04-11-2016
Vagas: 2
Duração: 8 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 01-06-2015
Financiamento: Candidatura
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 80 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The organization was established in 1974 and is the oldest national park in the country. It is a beautiful land of lakes and hills, with rich cultural heritage. The park covers more than 40 000 ha. 15 percent of area is under water; therefore it is a popular destination for outdoor water trips. Small settlements are scattered in the woodland. Kaltanėnai, Palūšė and Ginučiai are the largest settlements with 30 to 300 people constantly living there. Volunteers will live in the city (about 80 inhabitants), where the park‘s headquarters is situated. The city is located on a lake shore, which is good for swimming. There is a boat-kayak rental and bicycle rental. There is a small shop open all year round and a cafe open during the summer season.
Sometimes living in the city may seem like an endless vacation. However, there are no night clubs or similar kind of entertainment. Also not many young people. It is a very peaceful provincial place in a wilderness with busy tourist weekends in midsummer. So this is a place for those who like spending much time in nature, with little people around, and for those who feel comfortable being alone more often. In high season (late spring, summer and early autumn) there numerous leisure time alternatives such as canoeing, kayaking, cycling, hiking etc. A few local festivals are hosted in the city during summer too.
The nearest bigger town is Ignalina (about 7 000 inhabitants). It is a local centre for cultural life located 5 km from the city. If one wishes to visit the capital Vilnius It would take about 2 hours by bus.
There is a public internet access point in the organization visitors’ centre, so volunteers will have a possibility to use Skype and other means to stay in touch with their friends and relatives at home.
Those two organizations were established to preserve and restore natural and cultural heritage of city ethnical region, as well as to organise a sustainable use of it’s resources, to spread environmental ideas and raise eco-awareness.
From January 1st of 2010 directorates of those two organizations have united. Headquarters are located in the city. About 40 employees take care of nature and culture reserves, monuments and other valuable objects. They organise scientific researches, collect data and information about natural and cultural values within the area and provide it to visitors in the city visitor centres or in publications. Main task for them is to create conditions for visiting the park without making harm to nature as well as to organise environmental education.
All staff besides their native language speak russian, some speak english, a little german, latvian and slovak.
Perfil: Volunteers should be willing to:
- show interest in nature and cultural heritage;
- live in a rural area in a small village;
- spend much time outdoors;
- work in a team and independently;
- communicate with new people;
- do physical work as well as office work or with parks’ vistors/tourists;
- be creative in fulfilling their tasks;
Volunteers should be able to speak a little English, Russian or German.
Age between 18 and 30 years old
Tarefas: Volunteers will explore the park’s territory, management structure, natural and cultural heritage, expositions at the visitors’ centres, their working methods. They will be able to understand the importance of environmental protection not only in the country but in the entire world. Once having explored park’s tourism resources, volunteers will be able to guide foreign tourists.
Those two organizations are very special protected areas (as all protected areas probably are) due to its peculiar natural conditions and well preserved ethno cultural heritage. People used to farm here just for personal needs and lived mostly from natural forest resources. Such living conditions created the unity between man and nature. Volunteers will have a perfect opportunity to feel the uniqueness of this region, to see the wooden architecture of villages, learn traditional crafts, traditional lifestyles of the city region, taste and learn how to prepare local traditional meals.
Of course, besides these things volunteers will gain some skills in communication in foreign language, social skills and communicating with different people. Curator will help set individual goals and draw a working/learning plan, because the scope of skills and competences that the volunteers would be able to acquire is quite large. For example: volunteers would be able to learn/improve their English and later country language skills (daily communication with the staff of the park, visitors and the local community), scientific competences (joining the research and monitoring activities of the park), computer skills (online communication, assistance in preparing various online publications), social competences (being able to convey a message on the international level staying friendly and efficient), project management (organizing, or helping to organize special events, personal initiatives), learning from coutry culture and presenting own culture, learning to live a self sustained life, without parents or close family at hand, learning independence.
Documentação: Cv + Motivation letter in english