Data de início: 01-03-2016
Data de fim: 28-02-2017
Vagas: 1
Duração: 12 mes(es)
Data limite de candidatura: 13-09-2015
Financiamento: Financiamento por aprovar
Subsídio mensal (Dinheiro de bolso): 105 €
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registo primeiro.
Resumo: The hosting organization is a Non Profit NGO with the focus on nonformal education, youth camps and international and intercultural projects for young people. The main objectif is to support young people in their process of personal development and education, in addition to school and university, to improve social, educational, (inter)cultural and other skills and competences. In this way the aim of the organization is to improve tolerance, solidarity, self-determination and democracy in our society. The organisation is led by a volunteer committee aged 18 to 30.
At the moment there are eight employees working at the organization. Depending on the time of year there are approximately 50-150 volunteers working on holiday camps, youth exchanges and on other project.
The main activities of the organization are seminars in nonformal education, youth travel, international youth work (youth exchange, support measures and EVS), and coordination of local projects and groups.
The target group are children and young people from 6 to 28 years old in which we train and educate a large number of volunteers and also motivate them to take on responsibilities and pass on what they have learnt by training others, organising projects or taking on responsibilities at the organization.
Organization is open to everybody but we have the aim to especially support people with fewer opportunities and special needs, e.g. children from financially weaker placed families or children with less educational opportunities. Another target group is young people with migration backgrounds.
Our area of international youth exchange and intercultural work is developing continuously. In 2009 we engaged a skilled worker for international youth work and EVS, she works at the organization part-time (75%). Additionally we have a part-time EVS assistant since 2012 (50%).
The town is one of the largest cities in Germany with a population of about 600 000 inhabitants.
Perfil: In general there are no requirements regarding the selection of the volunteer apart from the age which should be between 18-25 years. So we are open for every application. However there are some things which in our opinion could make the daily life and work much easier for the volunteer.
To achieve a fast integration of the volunteer in the organization and the local community, basics in English are very helpful. Basics in German are not essential, because the volunteer will take part in an intensive language course as soon as he/she arrives – but some German skills are helpful anyway. With some language skills it is much easier for the volunteer to get in contact with other young people and make friends.
As the volunteer works together with children and young people she/he should be interested in that kind of work and maybe also have some working experience in this field. She/he should also be willing to work in a team. Additionally we think the volunteer should have an interest in intercultural work and motivation for intercultural projects.
The volunteer should be willing to contribute her/his own experiences to the daily work at Jugendwerk. She/he should also be open for new experiences and show some flexibility. Basic computer knowledge could also be quite helpful.
Through the database everybody has access to our project description. Additionally we announce the project in the news – network and inform our partners with whom we have worked together in previous EVS Hosting or Sending projects.
We are willing to receive every application. The selection process is organised by the international working group at the organization. The final decision is made together with the professional staff and the committee of Jugendwerk. As soon as a volunteer is chosen he will be informed by the organization.
Age: 18 until 30 years old
Tarefas: The project for the volunteer will take place in the the organization office but also in different places and other settings. The volunteer will participate in different projects that already exist, like our project “Active Culture" where young people of different cultural and migration backgrounds meet regularly and spend an evening together, cook together, organise cultural events or special country evenings, plan trips or organise little projects. Within this “Active Culture” the volunteer will be supported by a the organization pedagogue, who will assist the volunteer, but he/she will also have space to develop his/her own ideas for projects in “Active Culture”.
Additionally the volunteer will collaborate and cooperate with other German volunteers in the “Working Group International and Intercultural Projects”. He/she will help to develop new international and intercultural projects and will be included in that working group and participate in different projects.
Another challenge is the creation of and support in seminars of non formal education. The volunteer will help during the preparation and realization of our seminars and workshops.
Furthermore he/she will participate in the designing and arranging of youth camps.The volunteer will have the chance to qualify as a youth leader under German standards and receive a Youth Leader Certificate (JULEICA) The volunteer will take part in a youth camp. She/he should help with the preparation, realization and evaluation of the youth camp and work together with other youngsters and volunteers.
The volunteer is also in charge of consultation and information for youngsters about Europe. Within the framework of our international youth projects the volunteer will collect and create information material about Europe and mobility in Europe for European youngsters. The volunteer will also participate in our information events about EVS and Youth in Action.
One very important part of the project at the organization is the creation and realization of own projects. Depending on the interests and abilities of the volunteer she/he will develop, together with our volunteers and our professionals, a project regarding non-formal education and intercultural education for young people. Examples for such projects are a cooking book with international food, a language course in mother tongue, an Outdoor-adventure-workshop or an art project with graffiti – projects our last volunteers invented during their stay here.
Another task of the volunteer is to support the everyday work at Jugendwerk. The volunteer will also be included in the daily work of our professional workers in cooperation with other volunteers.
The volunteer´s work will mostly be project orientated. In this way the volunteer will learn to plan, realize and evaluate projects on her/his own. To do this, instruments regarding project management and evaluation will be introduced to the volunteer. By working in a team the volunteer will gain key competences like cooperation skills, interpersonal skills, critical self-reflection and personal responsibility, which will be important for the future work life of the volunteer.
If necessary the volunteer might also work during the weekends on seminars. This will be arranged together with the volunteer. But the volunteer will always have two consecutive days off per week.
Documentação: CV + Carta de Motivação em Inglês + Application Form
Download: ApplicationForm.doc